Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2582: Two tacit understanding

However, Ling Xueyao soon became a little embarrassed. The teleportation array could be teleported within a certain range, or the warrior could be teleported to a designated location. Normally, only when it is transmitted to a safe place can the formation be used to its greatest effect. It's just that although Ling Xueyao has a certain understanding of the surroundings of the Beast City, Ling Xueyao really didn't know where the Beast City was safe.

"Senior Tang Ao, but there seems to be no place suitable for teleportation around Hundred Beast City." Ling Xueyao said after thinking about it.

"The ice lake in Wufeng Mountain." Tang Ao blurted out a place, and Ling Xueyao was surprised when he heard what Tang Ao said. Wufeng Mountain is frozen all year round, with many monsters, how can such a place be considered safe. Moreover, the cold around Wufeng Mountain and Qingling Ice Lake is very severe, and ordinary warriors will definitely be frozen into ice sculptures in that place.

"I set up a teleportation formation in a hidden place in Qinglingbing Lake. As long as the formation pattern here is connected to that formation, it can be teleported to Qinglingbing Lake. I come to the main formation and you assist me." Tang Ao After speaking, began to arrange the formation in the inner city of Beast City. Many warriors have seen Tang Ao and Ling Xueyao, and of course they have also seen their busy formations.

For Tang Ao and Ling Xueyao, everyone was deeply grateful. This time the city of beasts was able to escape, there are many factors, but the contribution of these two formation masters to the city of beasts is indelible.

Even if Tang Ao made the formation by himself, his speed would not slow down much, not to mention Ling Xueyao was there to help. Originally Tang Ao expected four hours to complete the formation. It only took more than one hour to complete the formation. After the formation was set up, Tang Ao and Ling Xueyao looked at each other, then smiled at each other.

Neither Tang Ao nor Ling Xueyao ever thought that the two had such a high level of understanding in the formation. Although it was the first time to cooperate, there was no mistake in the entire formation process.

"Sister Ling, what are your plans next?" Tang Ao said while looking at Ling Xueyao sitting beside him on the city wall.

"I don't know, I want to stay in Hundred Beast City for a while, and then go to another place to see." Ling Xueyao's eyes were a little dazed, this question seemed to be no longer within Ling Xueyao's consideration. If it were before, Ling Xueyao had never thought of leaving the Beast City. But after listening to Tang Ao's previous words, Ling Xueyao felt that she should go for a walk and get some experience.

"Brother Tang Ao, are you... leaving tomorrow?" Ling Xueyao knew that Tang Ao was a warrior of the Immortal Ruins Chamber of Commerce. He came to the Wild Martial Realm this time just to kill the blood clan. Now that the blood clan suffered heavy casualties, and the blood source was shrinking, Tang Ao might also leave.

"Yes, Junior Sister Ke'er and I are both martial artists of the Fairy Ruins Chamber of Commerce. In a few days, we will return to Langya Realm. If you go to Langya Realm in the future, you can find me in the Fairy Ruins Chamber of Commerce in Langya Realm. The college is looking for Junior Sister Ke'er." Tang Ao has never been to Langya Realm until now, but Tang Ao estimated that after he fell to Langya Realm, he was also in the Immortal Market Chamber of Commerce.

As for Huang Ke'er, she will return to Wendao Academy to practice, and has been waiting for the trial of the heavens to come. The Trial of the Way of Heaven only has a rough time, not a fixed time. The reason is that no one knows when the Heavenly Dao Secret Realm will be opened. According to past experience, the Heavenly Dao Secret Realm may be opened within this thousand years.

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