Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2584: Eleven's rival

"Senior Brother Luo, shall we return to the assembly ground outside the Wild Martial Realm now?" After leaving the Hundred Beast City, Tang Ao also put down his thoughts. There is no permanent banquet in the world, but there is a sincere friendship of reunion after a long absence. Tang Ao believed that one day he would return to the City of Beasts. As for bringing Ling Xueyao to Langya Realm, Tang Ao had this idea, but it was quickly dismissed by Tang Ao. Everyone should have their own life, and Ling Xueyao didn't seem to have the idea of ​​leaving the Beast City.

"Yes, now the blood source formation of the blood clan has begun to disintegrate, and maybe many people have begun to rush to the assembly area. This time I go back, I don't know what tasks are there. Although the three of us are good at strength, we should be more careful. After the Qianlong List and the Talent List are combined, there will only be a hundred of the 350 warriors left. At this time, the trial is nearing its end, and some people may want to take shortcuts."

Luo eleven looked as usual, while talking, while stepping on the yellow sand at will. In this perilous windy desert, Luo Eleven didn't seem to worry about what happened.

"Brother Eleven, what shortcut do you take?" Unlike Tang Ao, Huang Keer called Luo Shixi instead of Senior Brother Luo, but likes to call Senior Brother Eleven. Luo Shiyi also had some headaches about this, but after many persuasion to no avail, Luo Shizhen followed her.

"There is an ambush ahead." At this moment, a flat voice came, and it was Huang Keer's mysterious dragon tortoise. This dragon tortoise has a terrifying power after being transformed into a giant, but in its normal state, it has a very amazing sense of soul. Now Tang Ao hadn't noticed anything, and even Luo Eleven just felt a little unusual.

But there were people lying in ambush nearby. Tang Ao didn't see it, and she didn't see it at Luo Shi. However, Tang Ao completely believed in Dragon Tortoise's words, Dragon Tortoise's soul perception far surpassed him, Tang Ao knew it a long time ago. So now Dragon Tortoise says there is an ambush ahead, so there must be an ambush. Above the heads of Tang Ao, three falcons hovered.

If in other places, such a falcon will certainly not attract people's attention. But in this boundless desert, this falcon appears here, obviously extremely unusual. Luo eleven raised his head and glanced at Falcon, then sneered in his mouth: "So that's it, I know who is here."

"Who wants to deal with us?" Huang Keer also glanced at the three falcons hovering above her head, but could not see anything. On the three falcons, Huang Keer did not feel any threat.

Tang Ao's heart moved, and the eyes of the celestial pole pupil opened instantly while his spiritual power was running. Under the exploration of the soul mind, Tang Ao did not find anything wrong with these falcons, but after observing with the celestial pupil at this moment, Tang Ao immediately discovered that there was a formation on the eyes of the three falcons. This formation has only one effect, that is, the owner of the falcon can see what the falcon sees.

Tang Ao understood that this warrior who was about to ambush the three of them had obviously been staring at them for a long time. It's just that he never expected that when he observed the three Tang Ao through Falcon, Huang Keer's dragon tortoise directly detected him hiding in front of him with his soul.

"These three Falcons' eyes have formation fluctuations, which should be some kind of visible formation. Are we going to go over or avoid it?" Tang Ao told his findings, and now they are all ranked in the top 100. Inside, the points are enough. So as long as you go to the assembly area, this trial is over.

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