Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2597: Sloppy middle-aged

It's just a pity that although the Xuanyue Mirror is a sacred object of the Moon Clan, I don't know why, the Moon Clan can inhale powerful monsters or warriors into the Xuanyue Mirror, but the Moon Clan warriors cannot enter the Xuanyue Mirror. Therefore, if you want to obtain the emperor-level shadow beast, you can only continuously **** the warriors into the Xuanyue mirror to kill ordinary shadow beasts.

However, there are many dangers in Xuan Yue Jing. Although the weakest shadow beast has only the cultivation base of the life and death realm, ordinary warriors of the life and death realm can also defeat the weakest shadow beast. In addition, Xuan Yuejing has a great drawback. That is, Yinyue is now at the ninth level of the Star Realm cultivation base, so using the Xuanyue Mirror, she can only **** the warriors below the ninth level of the Star Realm into the Xuanyue mirror. And it can only be one person at a time.

It was also because of this that at this moment, there was not a single emperor-level shadow beast in the Xuanyue mirror, and even the king-level shadow beast had only three. In addition to communicating with the Dark God King, the Shadow Beast can also summon the outside world to fight. But this is also Yinyue's trump card, and Yinyue will not use it when it is not a last resort.

In a valley, Tang Ao stopped. After flying around in the Xuanyue Mirror, Tang Ao discovered that the space in the Xuanyue Mirror was more perfect than that in the Chaos Six-Rays Mirror. It has been so long in the Mirror of Chaos and Six Lights, it is still barren, but in the space of Xuanyue Mirror, mountains, rivers and lakes are all available. Tang Ao shook his hand and threw the Shadow Beast that he had bound with the Nether Chain to the ground.

Tang Ao always felt that this kind of shadow beast was not simple, but Tang Ao didn't discover what secret the shadow beast had. Now Tang Ao was about to take a closer look at what was so special about this shadow beast. Although the mountains, rivers and lakes were readily available in the Xuanyue Mirror, Tang Ao discovered that there was only the Shadow Beast in the Xuanyue Mirror.

On the way here, Tang Ao saw some traces of battle. Obviously, there were warriors trapped in this space before him. I just don't know whether those warriors eventually fell into this space or left by what method. Tang Ao was completely confused about leaving here. This feeling was like Tang Ao trapped people with a chaotic six-pointed mirror, and the other party could never leave without his permission.

The difference is that the chaotic hexa-mirror must not resist at all, or Tang Ao's cultivation is far beyond the opponent's several great realms, in order to bring people into the chaotic hexa-mirror space. Of course, once he entered the chaotic six-lighted mirror space, then Tang Ao was the absolute master. But in Xuanyue Mirror, Yinyue didn't seem to have that strong ability to control Xuanyue Mirror.

"Huh?" Tang Ao frowned suddenly. Tang Ao found that the surrounding area was a little dark. The Xuanyue mirror formed a space of its own. When Tang Ao entered the chaotic six-pointed mirror, the surroundings were still daylight, but by now it was already full of sunset. Indeed, Tang Ao had fought those shadow beasts for a long time before, but Tang Ao still clearly felt that the time flow in the Xuanyue Mirror space was different from the time flow in the Wild Martial Realm. Especially now that Tang Ao entered the Xuanyue Mirror not long ago, this feeling was especially obvious.

"Sneez!" There was a sound of breaking through the air, Tang Ao's figure flashed, and at the same time he leaped in the air and stepped aside. A purple lightning blasted down, and the place where Tang Ao stood just now was blasted into ruins. The shadow beast that Tang Ao found was bitten on the neck by a man covered in ragged, like a beggar.

Tang Ao saw that after the middle-aged man bit on the neck of the Shadow Beast, the Shadow Beast was struggling violently. Tang Ao didn't know how many shadow beasts had been killed before, so Tang Ao knew that even if these shadow beasts were killed, they wouldn't have such a violent reaction. But now, these shadow beasts started to struggle.

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