Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2615: I won't go out

"Are you afraid that I will turn back, or there is an ambush outside?" Yinyue thought about this immediately. Tang Ao was still more cautious, and he was caught by his own formation because he didn't understand him at all. Therefore, Yinyue thought to herself that Tang Ao must be afraid of an ambush outside, or that he could not say anything, so he didn't come out.

After understanding this, Yinyue said immediately: "Junior Brother Tang Ao, don't worry, I will count. If you say let you go, you must let you go. You don't have to worry about an ambush outside, I am the only one at this moment." Yinyue’s words were very sincere. At this moment, Yinyue really had nothing to do. Seeing the blood demon getting closer and closer to him, Yinyue even imagined the horror of this blood demon biting herself and sucking her own blood. scene.

"Tang naturally trusts Senior Sister Yinyue, but Tang is very good in Xuanyue Mirror, so he won't go out." Tang Ao thought after a moment, said. Tang Ao's words were half true, because Tang Ao didn't believe in Yinyue at all. This woman's methods were too powerful. When Tang Ao faced Yinyue before, he didn't take it lightly, but Tang Ao was still caught.

As for the latter sentence, Tang Ao didn't lie, that is, Tang Ao really had a very good life in the Xuanyue Mirror space. After learning Zi Lei Tian Dun, Tang Ao knew that it was not that Zi Lei Tian Dun could not leave this space, but Nian Jiu Xiao needed the essence of Yuehua to stabilize the disordered Dao rhyme in his body.

Tang Ao estimated that Nian Jiuxiao was not sucked into the Xuanyue Mirror space by Yinyue at all. Yinyue had no such ability at all, so Nian Jiuxiao entered this space by himself through the purple thunder sky. If Tang Ao suddenly entered such a space now, Tang Ao really couldn't do it. But if after marking the Xuanyue Mirror space, Tang Ao would barely be able to enter and leave the Xuanyue Mirror space freely.

As long as Tang Ao is willing, now Tang Ao can appear directly outside the Xuanyue Mirror when he casts his Thunder Shadow Illusion. Because there was a soul mark in the Xuanyue Mirror space, Tang Ao could also return instantly. But before the soul mark disappears, if it is outside, Tang Ao's soul mark can be kept for at least one month. If it is the soul mark, if there is no external interference, there is no problem for thousands of years.

But Tang Ao obviously didn't have an object to imprint the soul-reading imprint, so Tang Ao could only use the soul-reading imprint. Tang Ao had already decided to use the soul-reading imprint mark, take a look, and come back immediately.

At this moment, Yinyue was about to vomit blood, and Yinyue could not have imagined that she would meet a guy like Tang Ao. Yinyue could use the Xuanyue Mirror to draw Tang Ao into the Xuanyue Mirror, but Yinyue could not take the initiative to throw Tang Ao out, so she could only open a gap and let Tang Ao come out by herself. But this hateful Tang Ao was unwilling to come out.

Although she hated Tang Ao and was about to die in her heart, Yinyue adjusted her tone. After opening a crack, she said to Tang Ao in the softest tone: "Junior Brother Tang Ao, Senior Sister and you were playing with you before. Senior Brother Yi and Senior Sister Huang Keer were not injured. I locked you in the Xuanyue Mirror and I was also joking with you. Now Sister Sister wants to use the Xuanyue Mirror, please come out quickly. If you still want to enter in the future, Sister can do it anytime. Put you in the Xuanyue mirror."

Hearing Yinyue's words, Tang Ao was full of questions. Luo Eleven and Huang Keer are fine, Yinyue should not lie to him, and with the strength of Luo Eleven and Huang Keer, Yingjiu will definitely not escape. If Huang Kerr is pressed into a hurry and Cain is summoned, then Yingjiu might have been reimbursed at this moment.

It's just that Tang Ao couldn't figure out what happened to Yinyue now. Although he didn't know what Yinyue encountered, Tang Ao knew that because of his own existence, Yinyue seemed unable to use the Xuanyue Mirror as he wanted. Although Tang Ao was ready to go out and have a look, Tang Ao still said, "There is no need to bother Senior Sister Yinyue, and when I have enough, I will naturally call Senior Sister."

"Tang Ao, you..." Yinyue wanted to scold Tang Ao very much, but after only saying three words, a blood beam hit Yinyue's back. Yinyue immediately flew out, spitting out several mouthfuls in the air. The blood, the breath of the whole body is also wilting. Yinyue's heart felt cold, and the secret path was over this time.

Sure enough, after hitting Zhong Yinyue, the blood demon who was following Yinyue laughed wildly, and then grabbed Yinyue with one claw. Seeing the blood demon's hideous blood claw magnify in her own eyes, Yinyue's heart was filled with endless despair. Yinyue is not afraid of death, but this method of death is too sad for Yinyue.

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