Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2635: Tomb of Killing God

"The end of cultivation may be the King of God, or maybe there is no end to cultivation." Tang Ao's gaze was a little ecstatic. If he saw the fragments of the law of Fire, Tang Ao would definitely say, the end of cultivation. It was the King of Gods, but after seeing many Kings of Gods fighting for eternal Tao fruit, Tang Ao knew that the Kings of Gods who seemed to stand at the pinnacle of the True Martial World were not immortal.

The chaotic six-pointed mirror on Tang Ao now came from a top **** king, the chaotic **** king. But even a strong like the Chaos God King eventually fell.

"Then what do you mean by cultivation?" Although Yinyue was from the Moon Clan, she knew many ancient secrets. But Yinyue still didn't know such things as many **** kings competing for eternal Dao fruit.

"Of course it's for protection." Tang Ao replied extremely quickly this time. When he spoke, Tang Ao had already hugged Yinyue tightly. Feeling the soft warmth in his arms, Tang Ao even wanted to ask Dao Academy instead of the desolate and lonely wasteland. After spending a day with Yinyue, both Tang Ao and Yinyue arrived at the Xianxu Teleportation Platform.

The Immortal Ruins Teleportation Platform is an eight-rank immortal formation built on a broken ancient ninth-level magic formation. In theory, it can be teleported to any place in the True Martial World only at a sufficient price. Like the last time the Fairy Ruins Chamber of Commerce expedition to the Wild Martial Realm, it was a cross-border ultra-long distance teleportation.

Most of the warriors on the Destiny List almost left through the Xianxu Teleportation Station. Even Falling Eleven is here. Tang Ao saw that Luo Eleven was not alone. There were two men and a woman beside Luo Eleven. The three Tang Ao knew all of them, and the one who tied his long hair into a bunch and dressed in coarse linen was Wu Tomb.

As the number one man on the Destiny List, Wu Mu is not as sharp as he imagined. His length is the opposite and very ordinary, and he seems a bit sluggish. It is not easy to imagine that he is the strongest person on the Destiny List. , Following the elders of Shura, killed the existence of the blood elders.

There was a person beside Wu Tomb, with a well-proportioned figure and aloft. Such a person seemed to gather countless eyes wherever he went. This man is the second best player on the Destiny List, named Li Chunfeng. The woman next to Li Chunfeng was named Xue Ziyu, who was the fourth martial artist in the Destiny List. Although she was ranked fourth in the Destiny List, her score was very small compared to Tang Ao.

"Brother Tang Ao." After Luo Shixi saw Tang Ao, he walked over enthusiastically. After a smile and a smile at Tang Ao and Yinyue, Luo Shixi knew that Tang Ao was determined not to go. South is out of bounds.

"Senior Brother Luo seems to have something to say?" Tang Ao asked after Luo Xi came over.

"Originally there was something to say, but now I don't want to say it." Luo eleven smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Why is this?" Tang Ao asked with some confusion.

"You have also seen that, Wu Mu and I are going to join forces to go to Nanlijie for some experience, originally wanted to call you. But seeing your nephrite in your arms, you must be unable to walk." Luo eleven I also sighed in my heart, Tang Ao's female relationship is too good.

There are four beauties in the Fairy Market Chamber of Commerce. These four beauties are the president, Shen Yunqing, the president's sister, Shen Yunwei, the fourth in the fate list, Xue Ziyu, and then the Fairy Yinyue next to Tang Ao. Originally, these four beauties were all alone, but now, Fairy Yinyue among the four beauties has a master.

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