Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2639: Tianlongcheng Xiao Qian

In this way, the warrior who wants to go to the wilderness this time will inevitably make a crazy shot to bid for the last ten tickets. This made Tang Ao a little big head. The Immortal Crystals he obtained from the Immortal Ruins Chamber of Commerce had been squandered by Tang Ao, and now Tang Ao was really paler than his face. With his wealth, Tang Ao felt that buying tickets shouldn't be a problem if it weren't for this special period.

But now, if Tang Ao didn't make some preparations, it seemed difficult to bid for a ferry ticket. After thinking for a moment, Tang Ao asked again: "The last question, will the Galaxy Auctions auction everything or just auction tickets."

"Hahaha, where did this wild boy come from? Of course, the Galaxy Auction will auction everything, and I don’t even know this." It was not the blue shirt youth who Tang Ao asked, but a passing youth in Chinese clothes. A folding fan in his hand swayed around, trying to create a sense of personability. It's just that his temperament is too bad, and the aura on his body is too feminine, no matter how he creates it, he is incompatible with personable.

"This is Young Master Xiao Qian of Sky Dragon City, you must not confront him." Perhaps worried that Tang Ao might be in conflict with this Chinese-clothed youth, the blue shirt youth told Tang Ao.

There are too many goods like Xiao Qian in Zhenwu Realm, and Tang Ao is too lazy to take care of it. By the time Tang Ao had a good impression of the blue shirt youth, he stopped him and asked so many questions, he did not look impatient, and when he met Xiao Qian, he took the initiative to inform himself that Xiao Qian’s background is not weak, don’t Enmity with Xiao Qian.

"Hahaha, my name is Tang Ao, I will stay in the Star River City before the ferry departs. If you have any difficulties, you can come to the Galaxy Tower to find me. This is for you as a reward for asking for directions." Tang Ao After speaking, he took out a jade bottle and handed it to the blue shirt youth.

Seeing Tang Ao handing him a bottle of pill, Liu Ming was a little bit dumbfounded. The reason why he answered Tang Ao patiently was not because he coveted Tang Ao's reward, but because the Liu family treated others generously. The reason he received Tang Ao's pill made him a little bit dumbfounded, because the Liu family was a family of pill family, and now the three major pill emperors in Langya realm were once also disciples of the Liu family.

Although the Liu Family's alchemy is not as good as before, and there is no pill emperor in charge, but the Liu Family's martial artist is still not short of elixir. When he was about to return the medicine to Tang Ao, Liu Ming found that Tang Ao had disappeared. Liu Ming's powerful soul thought spread immediately, Tang Ao's cultivation level Liu Ming couldn't see it, but Liu Ming could feel it, Tang Ao's age should be similar to him, not even his age.

Therefore, Tang Ao's cultivation is definitely not too high. After all, Liu Ming has cultivated to the present, although he has the cultivation base of the seventh level of the star realm, but he is not yet a thousand years old. For mortals, a thousand years is already the tenth cycle of reincarnation. But for the strong star realm, it is just a process of life. Strong stars in the star realm have a long life of one hundred thousand years, and a thousand years is just a passing moment.

Soon Liu Ming's face showed surprise, because in the range of Liu Ming's soul perception, Tang Ao was not even visible. Liu Ming came from a family of medicine pills, and his soul thought far surpassed the martial artist of the same realm. But even so, Tang Ao disappeared directly in front of him. Although Liu Ming knew that there were people outside the world, there were days outside the world. But Liu Ming hadn't really thought that he would meet such a person so soon.

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