Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2642: Precious emperor bones

After seeing that Bai Lu could even recognize Yue Huashi, Tang Ao didn't continue to take out other things. Bai Lu is indeed well-remembered, knowing many treasures that others don't know. This time Tang Ao took out a scarlet golden gun, and now Tang Ao has become more aware of the value of the scarlet golden immortal artifact. Before he had the power to protect himself, even if Tang Ao had to deal with the scarlet golden fairy, he would not dare to sell it in large quantities.

Chijin Immortal Artifacts can be said to be a very special kind of immortal artifacts, because they can grow with the martial artist, as long as the purity of the purification is high enough and the pattern is perfect, regardless of the high grade, they can be sold at a satisfactory price. After Tang Ao took out the Scarlet Golden Immortal, Bai Lu also looked at it with interest. In recent years, a type of refiner has emerged, and his refinement skills are not very good, but he has one ability, which is to disguise the inferior red gold immortal tools as top-grade.

Use some advanced inscription arrays to confuse the audience. After Bai Lu Hunnian carefully inspected the red golden spear refined by Tang Ao, he immediately knew that the red golden spear refined by Tang Ao could be regarded as the best among the red golden fairy artifacts. The lower the impurities contained in Chijinsha, the greater the potential of Chijin Immortal Artifacts. The red golden gun refined by Tang Ao was only a fourth-grade immortal weapon, but it was forged once using the method of refining the gods.

These weren't any dazzling features. What surprised Bai Lu the most was that there were only less than 10% of the impurities in this red golden gun. You know, as long as you can remove 10% of the impurities in the red golden sand and smelt it into a tool, you can become a red golden fairy. It was the first time that even Bai Lu saw a red gold fairy like Tang Ao that directly removed 90% of impurities.

"The quality of this red golden gun is very good, and it can sell at least 30,000 middle-grade immortal crystals. Did you refine this red golden gun?" Bai Lu played with the red golden gun and asked seriously.

After feeling that Bai Lu was not malicious, Tang Ao nodded.

Seeing Tang Ao nodding, Bai Lu, who was obviously a young girl, sighed as if she was young and mature: "Fortunately, you are coming to the Galaxy Chamber of Commerce this time to send the auction. If you send the auction to the black business building, the price will be higher. , But you have no freedom anymore."

Tang Ao had heard of the black business building, one of the four major chambers of commerce. The so-called four major chambers of commerce in Zhenwu Realm are the Immortal Market Chamber of Commerce where Tang Ao is located, and the Star Chamber of Commerce here. In addition to these two chambers of commerce, there are Qianshang Building and Black Commercial Building. The black business building is supported by the master of Tianwu, and Tang Ao and the master of Tianwu are enemies, but the master of Tianwu should not know which little shrimp Tang Ao is.

"I have heard a little about the black business building, I shouldn't have any contact with the black business building." Tang Ao said after a moment of thought.

"That's not necessarily true. Although the black business buildings are unbearable, they are all underground businesses. All the treasures that can't be made on the countertops can be bought in the black business buildings. You can also say that you can't buy them in the other three chambers of commerce. You may be able to easily buy the things you arrive in the black business building. So no one can say that you will not have any contact with the black business building."

Hearing Bai Lu said this, Tang Ao also nodded, just like the Emperor Beast bone meal, although there is it in the Qianshang Building, it is a treasure and is not for sale. Even a gold medal elder like Song Qiufeng dare not get involved. There are also Emperor Beast bone meal in the Fairy Market Chamber of Commerce, but the amount is too small. As for the Star Chamber of Commerce or not, Tang Ao didn't know yet.

"Junior Sister Bai Lu, I wonder if there are emperor beast bones for sale in the Starry Sky Chamber of Commerce?" Tang Ao went to the Great Wasteland just for the emperor beast bones, and now he came to a top chamber of commerce, he naturally wanted to inquire.

Bai Lu did not answer, but said: "The so-called emperor beast bones are the bones of the powerful monster beasts of the Chaotic Sky Realm, because the monsters of the Chaotic Sky Realm are basically born from the monster races with strong bloodlines. These monster races If a powerful monster falls in the middle, if the body is not destroyed, it will basically be sent back to the ancestral land. In this way, the number of emperor beast bones that shed is very small."

"Secondly, even if the human race martial artist gets the emperor beast bone by chance, once the demon clan learns about it, he will inevitably come and ask for it. The emperor beast bone is sent back to the demon clan's ancestor land. There is a demon pool. Emperor beast bones are the best nutrients in the demon pool, and the demon pool can improve the aptitude and talents of the children of the demon race. Therefore, the demand for the emperor beast bones is in short supply for the demon race, and the human warriors want to get it. Emperor beast bones can be said to be more difficult."

After listening to Bai Lu's explanation, Tang Ao also understood why the emperor beast bones were so rare. Emperor Beast bones are just a good refining material for Human Race. But for the demon race, after being refined in the demon transformation pool, it is the ultimate treasure to enhance the qualification of the demon race. Tang Ao felt a little helpless. Could it be that the cultivation of sword fruit really has to be stuck on the bones of the emperor beast?

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