Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2656: Seven formations

Tang Ao's words directly smirked Hu Yang. Hu Yang had never thought that there would be a brave guy like Tang Ao who would dare to ask for benefits from a black business building. "Good, good!" Hu Yang said three good words in succession, and then continued: "If the formation flag is correct, I can give you twice the benefits. If the formation flag is really problematic, I don't want your life, just useless. What is your cultivation level?"

"A word is for sure, please check with the two seniors." Tang Ao said without any hesitation, holding a fist toward Bai Zhan.

Bai Zhan's face changed slightly. Tang Ao obviously borrowed his power and was used by a junior for no reason. Bai Zhan was naturally unhappy. However, after thinking that Tang Ao and Bai Lu seemed to be closely related, Bai Zhan also squeezed his anger and walked to the side of the formation flag.

"Brother Bai, please." Hu Yang is not worried about the white exhibition. The formation flag refined by the soul-killing stone must be a martial artist of the third rank and higher level immortal formation master before it is possible to change the formation pattern. . As far as Hu Yang knew, Bai Zhan's formation was good at random, but Bai Zhan didn't know anything about refining tools.

And under his own eyelids, Bai Zhan didn't even think about making any small moves. Bai Zhan didn't refuse either. After swept away his soul, everyone soon saw that Bai Zhan's expression changed slightly.

Seeing the change in Bai Zhan's face, Bai Lu was shocked. Bai Lu was really worried that Tang Ao didn't know how to measure and changed the formation in the formation flag privately. In this way, because there is Bai Zhan here, Hu Yang can't do anything to Tang Ao, but the black business building will certainly not let Tang Ao go.

At this moment, Bai Zhan directly took out three formation flags and threw them out, and a huge formation image appeared in front of everyone. This array image is exactly the projection of the array in the array flag. This array projection cannot be faked. At this time, everyone could clearly see the formation method Tang Ao used before. There are clearly seven formations in the formation flag, and apart from these seven formations, there is not even one formation pattern.

Bai Lu looked happy, and everyone knew about the seven formations of the Soul Extinguishing Array Flag. Since there was nothing wrong with the array used by Tang Ao, why did Bai Zhan frown just now.

Dialogue Exhibition directly projected the formation in the formation flag, Hu Yang's face sank, but he still didn't speak. Array projection cannot be faked, nor can it be faked. Among the formation flags used by Tang Ao, there were indeed only seven formations, not even one more formation pattern.

Seeing this scene, Wu Yinhun was shocked. Originally, only a piece of material was lost. As long as the report is truthfully reported, the Black Commercial Building will naturally handle the rest. But now that he has directly lost two shares of Wraith Water, Wu Yin can already imagine what he will face.

"Take it." Hu Yang sullenly threw out a storage ring, and then said to Wu Yin: "I came out in a hurry this time, and I only brought a copy of Wraith Water on my body. You take the share of Wraith Water on your body. give him."

"Pump." After Hu Yang finished speaking, Wu Yin directly knelt on the ground: "Elder Hu is forgiving, the ghost water is gone." The black business building dared to set up the soul-killing tower in the major warrior cities, and naturally would not be unable to afford to break the tower. Reward for success. And the reason why Wu Yin still tried to talk about Tang Ao cheating after Tang Ao succeeded in breaking the tower was because he had misappropriated most of the things above the fifth floor of the Soul Destruction Tower. Among them, Wraith Water was used when he hit the Yin-Yang realm not long ago.

"Bastard stuff." By now, Hu Yang still couldn't figure it out. Obviously this Wu Yin had misappropriated the reward from the Soul Destruction Tower, so he deliberately said that Tang Ao cheated while climbing the Soul Destruction Tower. This Wu Yin dared to play with himself. Hu Yang raised his hand and slammed, Wu Yin could not even beg for mercy under Hu Yang's palm, and turned into nothingness.

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