Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 2670: Secret enemy

Stars flickered in the sky above Galaxy City, and snowflakes fell. The originally lively Galaxy City was now depressed. The president of the Star Chamber of Commerce and the elder Taishang encountered an ambush, and anyone who had anything to do with this matter would be unlucky next. At this moment, the bustling crowd on the streets of Star River City had disappeared, and they all returned to the inn and their own cave.

In the meeting room of the Galaxy City, Bai Shengyan and the powerful people are discussing tonight's affairs. Tang Ao had originally received the invitation, but Tang Ao didn't have much interest in such strong talks, so Tang Ao returned to his room. Except for Luo Zizhang who was shot and killed by himself with the Misery Arrow, the other five of the warriors who attacked Bai Shengyan escaped. This is not good news for Tang Ao.

Although Tang Ao had powerful enemies such as Yuanci Dao Zun and Tianwu Dao Zun, no matter whether it was Yuanci Dao Zun or Tianwu Dao Zun, Tang Ao didn't know him at this moment. Tian Wu Dao Zun didn't know that Nian Jiu Xiao was not dead, and he accepted Tang Ao as his apprentice. Yuanci Dao Zun wanted to find the jade body of the Nine Dragon Emperor, but Yuanci Dao Zun only knew that the warrior who possessed the jade body of the Nine Dragon Emperor came to the wild martial world, but the Yuanci Dao Zun did not know that the jade body of the Nine Dragon Emperor was Tang Ao.

So compared to the Dao Zun Yuanci and Dao Wu Tianwu, the three chaotic world realm experts who don't know their identity are the most terrifying. Because Tang Ao shot Luo Zizhang with an arrow of Extinguishing Immortals, the actions of several people failed tonight. These people must hate Tang Ao, but Tang Ao didn't know who the other party was. In this way, even if Tang Ao saw the other party in the future, he would not be able to escape in time.

Thinking of this, Tang Ao couldn't help but feel a headache. However, Tang Ao believed that it was still possible to investigate the identities of these three powerhouses by means of the Star Chamber of Commerce. Moreover, the Langya Realm Master also chased it out, relying on the strength of Langya Realm Master to take Populus and Song Ji in a single face, as long as they catch up, Langya Realm will definitely be able to capture the other three back.

Tang Ao felt very helpless. He came to Star River City only to take the Flying Spirit Boat of Star River City to the Wilderness. As a result, the ticket issue was resolved, but he offended five Chaotic Sky Realm powerhouses at once. At this moment, Tang Ao secretly sighed in his heart, that he could really cause trouble. However, Tang Ao's heart was shocked even at the moment for the power of Mie Xianjian.

Tang Ao estimated that if he could use the full power of Yuanshi Holy Sky Bow, the power of Yuanshi Holy Sky Bow was definitely not weaker than Mie Xian Jian. It was just that Tang Ao felt that if he wanted to use the ten percent power of the Yuanshi Sacred Sky Bow, he would at least have the cultivation base of the Chaotic Heaven Realm. Tang Ao is only at the sixth level of the Star Polar Realm, and there is still a long way to go from the Chaotic Heaven Realm.

But if he could have a few more immortal extinguishing arrows, Tang Ao would be more confident even in the face of the chaotic world powerhouse. Although Tang Ao made a sneak attack before, after the Miexian Arrow shot, Luo Zizhang had no power to fight back and was directly killed by Tang Ao. Tang Ao's mind became alive when he thought of Mie Xianjian.

There will never be too many hole cards. It's just that the Arrow of Extinguishing Immortality is the property of the Tian Family, and Tang Ao and Tian Family have no intersection. And what worries Tang Ao a little is that for the five previous Chaotic Heaven Realm powerhouses, Tang Ao felt that the aura of one of them was somewhat similar to Tian Liangguang. Tang Ao only asked Bai Lu. From Bai Lu's mouth, Tang Ao knew that the strongest ancestor of the Tian family nowadays was only at the seventh level of Yin-Yang realm, and Tian family did not have a strong chaotic world.

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