Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 821: Spiritual Space

When Tang Ao followed Yun Xiaoyao's practice in the Divine Mind Space, seven of the eight great sects of Xuanhuang in the Ming Emperor secret realm and five of the six ridiculous ancient aristocratic families all joined forces to find Tang Ao in the Ming Emperor secret realm. Under such circumstances, no one in the Ming Emperor secret realm knew Tang Ao at this moment. In Tang Ao, there are tens of thousands of top-grade Ming Stones and a large number of top-grade Ming Stones. At the same time, Tang Ao also possesses Yuanshi Holy Heaven Bow, Shennongding and Taiqing Profound Mirror.

Later, someone said that they had seen Tang Ao's spirit pet, and that spirit pet seemed to have used one of You Long Emperor's unique skills, You Long Emperor Qi. This shows that Tang Ao is very likely to have the inheritance of Emperor Shennong and the inheritance of Youlong Emperor. But these are not the most shocking news. There are five emperors in the Ming Emperor secret realm, which is already an open secret to the big forces. What is shocking is that Tang Ao not long ago got the inheritance of Ming Emperor, the master of Ming Emperor's secret realm.

Among the Five Emperors, Emperor Ming is the strongest existence. The secret realm of Emperor Ming also exists because of the inheritance of Emperor Ming. However, at this moment, the most precious thing in the Ming Emperor's secret realm was obtained, especially after learning that Tang Ao was only a warrior at the first level of life and death, many warriors' eyes were extremely fiery. The inheritance of the three great emperors alone, the good things about Tang Ao are simply unbelievable.

At this moment, there were a handful of warriors who were still searching for treasures in the Mingdi secret realm. Most of the warriors started searching for Tang Ao in the Minghai. Because when Tang Ao got the inheritance of the Emperor Underworld, an extremely powerful divine light from the outside world descended on the sea of ​​underworld. Everyone speculated that Tang Ao might be hiding somewhere in the sea of ​​underworld.

"You said Tang Ao is under this vortex, but it's true?" The vortex that had been spraying the Mingshi under the original trench, after the Ming Emperor's will disappeared, naturally there was no Mingshi produced. Many people waited here for a long time, and after the vortex did not fly out of the Mingshi, they had to leave here to find opportunities elsewhere. There are treasures in many places in the secret realm of Emperor Ming. Even if you don't look for the treasures, it is good to trace Tang Ao's whereabouts.

"Yes, after I had a head-to-head encounter with Tang Ao, both Tang Ao and I were seriously injured. When I was in a coma, I saw Tang Ao offering to Emperor Shennong and fleeing under the whirlpool. So I suspect, this is the bottom. This is where the Ming Emperor inheritance lies. Tang Ao should also have the Ming Emperor inheritance from here."

After Qin Yueshuang finished speaking, Xiahou Kuangtian looked at Chi Xingzi on the side. "What do you think Brother Chi?" Chi Xingzi is the chief disciple of Heavenly Star Saint Sect and a warrior who is proficient in the power of space. In addition, Chi Xingzi himself is very powerful. After getting a chance in the secret realm of Emperor Underworld, his strength is better than before. Tang Ao's cultivation level is not high, but the methods are endless, so Qin Yueshuang also had to invite Chi Xingzi to help.

Chi Xingzi said indifferently, "I also want to see how many arms this famous Tang Ao has!"

"Well, in that case, the two seniors will go down with me."


Tang Ao didn't have much contact with refining tools and formations before. Tang Ao didn't know anything about refining, and Tang Ao knew a little about formations. However, after following Yun Xiaoyao's practice, Tang Ao knew that the Three Sages of Xiaoyao were definitely not worthy of fame, because Yun Xiaoyao was extremely proficient in both refining tools and formations, and Yun Xiaoyao's achievements in these two fields would definitely not be better than Emperor Shennong. Low on the Dan Road.

Tang Ao was originally a eager to learn, and with the guidance of a famous teacher like Yun Xiaoyao, Tang Ao was also advancing quickly in formation and refining. In Yun Xiaoyao's divine mind space, Tang Ao had become a sixth-rank spiritual formation master in a hundred years. Now as long as there is an array flag and materials, Tang Ao can arrange a sixth-rank spirit array.

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