Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 847: Flame Dragon Cub

Tang Ao looked in the direction of the flame and saw a small fire dragon. This little fire dragon is not a real fire dragon, but a juvenile fire dragon. Just now, the flame was ejected by this little fire dragon. After the fire broke out, the little fire dragon flapped its wings and flew towards Bingxin and Tang Ao.

"Hicks!" Bingxin yelled happily after seeing the little fire dragon. "I knew it was you." At this time, the little fire dragon named Hicks had already arrived in front of Bing Xin, and Bing Xin stretched out her small hand and stroked Hicks gently. Tang Ao's eyes also began to look at this juvenile flame dragon with interest. Tang Ao, the dragon clan, had already seen a lot, but this was the first time that Tang Ao saw this flame dragon.

"Brother Tang Ao, this is Hicks. It was hatched from a dragon egg I picked up when I was a kid. It's just that Hicks is still young and can't speak yet." When Bing Xin introduced Hicks to Tang Ao, Hicks She rubbed her little head against Bingxin. "By the way, Hicks likes to sleep. Hicks sleeps a lot of time." The little fire dragon seemed to know that Bingxin was talking badly about it, and immediately showed an unhappy look.

Tang Ao didn't expect this juvenile flame dragon to be so psychic, and he also stretched out his hand to touch this little fire dragon. However, Hicks was a little wary of Tang Ao, a stranger, flapping his wings and moving away from Tang Ao. Tang Ao smiled awkwardly, and then took his hand back. From halfway up the mountain to the platform where the hanging basket rises and falls, there is a distance of nearly thirty feet. After a while, Tang Ao and Bingxin were brought to this platform by a hanging basket.

Hei Yan looked at Tang Ao with some caution: "You are from that tribe, why haven't you seen you before?" Although Tang Ao didn't have any profound fluctuations in his body, Hei Yan was still a little wary. He is responsible for guarding the mountain road into the tribe, which is his duty. "I am not from the Snow Plains. I was chased by my enemy and entered here by mistake."

After Tang Ao finished speaking, Hei Yan looked at an old man beside him. The old man nodded: "He didn't lie, let it go." After finishing speaking, the old man said to Bingxin: "Did you hunt this gong pig?"

When Bingxin heard the old man’s words, she showed her little tiger’s teeth and smiled: “This was hunted by Brother Tang Ao.” Bingxin said to Tang Ao after she said, “Brother Tang Ao, the food in the tribe is a bit nervous now. This gong pig can make Do you eat together?"

"Of course." Tongluo pig is only a second-level monster, as long as Tang Ao can use a little spiritual power, it can be said that it needs as much as it needs. However, the Heaven and Earth's vitality of the ice and snow plain was very thin. In such a place, Tang Ao didn't know when his injuries would recover. If he stayed here for a period of time and his injuries could not be recovered, Tang Ao would have to leave here.

"Xiao Bingxin, how can we ask for something from a guest?" A gentle and sweet voice came over, and then Tang Ao saw a slim and beautiful woman approaching. After seeing this woman, Bingxin ran over and hugged the woman very happily: "Sister Mu'er, you are back, this is Brother Tang Ao. Such a big gong pig, Brother Tang Ao will eat too Endless, now that there is no food in the tribe, we can borrow some meat from Brother Tang Ao first."

After Tang Ao cultivated to the stage of life and death, he paid very little attention to food. This copper gong pig may be extraordinary in the eyes of everyone, but in Tang Ao's view, even if he is seriously injured now, there is no problem in hunting such a gong pig. However, after Tang Ao glanced around with his soul power, Tang Ao knew why these people paid much attention to Tongluozhu.

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