Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 866: Looking for Tang Ao

Tang Ao felt the power in his body slowly dissipate, then gave a wry smile and passed out. Before his spirit power was restored, Tang Ao forcibly released the Qinglian sword soul of the twenty-ninth layer. Although only one green lotus sword was released, Tang Ao's soul sea was completely exhausted. Even Jade Bone's vitality soul could not heal Tang Ao's injuries at this moment.

On the other side, the three of Bing Xiao quickly evacuated after Tang Ao and others all fled. Although the Shadow Beast killed by the Iron Armored Bear King and Tang Ao were both the pinnacle monster beasts of Yuan Wu Realm, the Iron Armored Bear King was obviously stronger than the Shadow Beast. After the Bing Xiao trio and it fought, both sides couldn't help each other. So after the three of Bing Xiao escaped, the armored bear king roared and did not continue pursuing.

When the Bing Xiao three came to the edge of the dark poisonous swamp, they saw Bing Xin, Firefox and Su Kui waiting for them there. There were some teardrops on Xiao Bingxin's face. Seeing Bingxin's appearance, Bing Xiao felt a little in his heart. Could it be that Tang Ao deceived them and failed? No, his secret technique can detect if the opponent is lying. When he perceives Tang Ao with the secret technique, he has confirmed that what Tang Ao is telling is the truth, otherwise he would trust an outsider so rashly.

"Grandpa patriarch, Brother Tang Ao is gone." Bing Xin said cryingly. Firefox on the side also told the three of what happened before. Not long ago when the Firefox group came to the Dark Poisonous Marsh, they encountered an attack from the Peak Shadow Beast of Yuan Wu Realm. At a critical moment, Tang Ao stepped forward and attracted away the shadow beast at the peak of Yuan Wu realm alone. At the same time, a group of people went to the island that Tang Ao said.

There is indeed a shielding formation on the island, which completely isolates the surrounding poisonous fog and poisonous insects and beasts. It can be said that this small island is a little inconvenient to travel, and it is indeed a good place to survive. Not long ago, Firefox saw with his own eyes that a shadow beast on the sixth floor of Yuan Wu realm was corroded into a pile of bones by the poisonous mist of the poisonous marsh. It can be said that the poisonous fog on the poisonous swamp is now a natural barrier for the Xueyu tribe and the flying fox tribe, protecting everyone from being invaded by monsters.

"Where did the little brother Tang Ao go? Let's look for it now, maybe..." Hei Yan did not continue. Even if he himself faced a shadow beast at the pinnacle of Yuan Wu realm, most of it was still dead. From Heiyan's point of view, Tang Ao seemed to be just an ordinary person who didn't have much spiritual power in his body, how could he survive on the shadow beast at the pinnacle of Yuan Wu realm.

"Yeah!" Bing Xiao nodded, "Firefox, Yinhu, Heiyan, you three will go with me to find Tang Ao. Su Kui took Xin'er back to the camp and waited for our news."

"I..." Xin'er originally wanted to go to Tang Ao with everyone, but after thinking that her strength was too low, she would only slow down everyone and not help much, Xin'er nodded obediently. .

Bing Xiao laughed and said, "Haha, Xin'er has grown up, and it's not like she used to mess around. Don't worry, the patriarch's grandfather will definitely bring back the little brother Tang Ao."

Bing Xiao and his party left soon. After Bing Xiao and the others left, Su Kui said to Bing Xin: "Xin'er, let's go back."

"Big Brother Su Kui, go back first, I'm going to find Brother Tang Ao." Bing Xin's voice fell, and the little fire dragon Hicks dragged Bing Xin and flew away.

In the mountains, it is already evening. Tang Ao had been in a coma for several hours. A few people faintly walked in the distance, and one of the young girls spotted Tang Ao who had fallen to the ground. There was a strange young man beside the girl. This young man was gorgeously dressed and had a compelling look. He seemed to be superior in the crowd.

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