Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 874: Refining Linghai Pill

"I am indeed a third-tier spirit pill master, should I refine a pot of spirit sea pill for the white girl to see?" Tang Ao worried that Bai Surou felt that he was lying to her again, so Tang Ao directly proposed to refine a pot of pill on the spot. Show it to Bai Surou. Linghai Pill is the medicine used by the peak martial artist of Yuan Wu realm to break through. After taking Linghai Pill, the chance of peak martial artist of Yuan Wu realm breaking into the Linghai realm will increase by 30 to 90%!

The higher the quality of the Linghai Pill, the more chance it will increase. But the higher the quality of the Linghai Pill, the more difficult it is to refine. Many alchemists can refine inferior, medium, or even high-grade spirit sea pills, but it is possible that he will not be able to refine the special spirit sea pills in his lifetime. Sure enough, Bai Surou's beautiful eyes lit up after hearing Tang Ao's words.

Seeing Tang Aoxin's swearing appearance, Bai Surou waved his hand and took out a small alchemy furnace from his storage ring, as well as a medicine for refining Linghai Pill and a medicine for refining Qi Yang Pill. Yangqi Pill is also a kind of three-class spirit pill, but Yangqi Pill is a low-value healing pill, and Linghai Pill is one of the most valuable of the three-class pill.

"Tang Ao, if you are not sure, just refine a furnace of Qi Yang Pill, because the medicinal materials of Linghai Pill are very precious, and I have only collected one medicinal material for refining Linghai Pill in the past few years..." Bai Surou said nothing. After that, this pair of medicinal materials for refining Linghai Pill seemed to be very important to Bai Surou, so Bai Surou changed his previous playful appearance when speaking, and said to Tang Ao very solemnly.

"Don't worry, white girl, I have refined more Linghai Pills." Tang Ao knew that the reason why Bai Surou took out the alchemy furnace and medicinal materials was because Tian Xiangfei had taken away his storage ring. Although Bai Surou hadn't told Tang Ao how he lost his storage ring, Tang Ao wouldn't blame Bai Surou. After all, Bai Surou didn't hold Tang Ao's storage ring, and Bai Surou still saved his life.

After Tang Ao finished speaking, he threw the spirit grasses for refining the spirit sea pill into the alchemy furnace one by one. Even though Tang Ao’s strength now has no one, Tang Ao’s attainments in the alchemy path are not great. Decline. Pill refining is different from fighting. Fighting requires the support of spiritual power and life soul, but refining only needs strong soul power to control the size of the flame in the pill furnace and the purification and integration of medicinal materials.

Bai Surou originally had some expectations for Tang Ao. If Tang Ao had really practiced in a pill refining sect as he said, it would not be impossible to refine Linghai Pills at this age. But now seeing Tang Ao's refining pill, Bai Surou was extremely disappointed. At the same time, a tear of grievance flashed in Bai Surou's eyes, even though Tang Ao failed to refine her alchemy, she would not blame Tang Ao. But this medicinal material was hard-won, including two medicines and even Tian Xiangfei's betrothal gift to her sister Bai Qin.

For this pair of medicinal materials, Bai Surou took a lot of bitterness before putting it together, just to refine a Linghai Pill for... Bai Surou shook his head, thinking that these were no longer useful. Because Tang Ao had already thrown all the medicinal materials for refining Linghai Pill into the alchemy furnace, Bai Surou initially thought that if Tang Ao's alchemy skills were not good, he would try to stop him from continuing to refine the alchemy and save some of the medicinal materials.

But now I have forgotten everything. Although she is not a third-rank alchemist, she is also a first-rank alchemist. When she was refining the pill, the medicinal materials were refined one by one, and she had never seen any alchemy master who threw all the medicinal materials into the alchemy furnace. This shows that Tang Ao doesn't know how to refine alchemy at all, and her spiritual grass is gone.

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