Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 887: Weird place

Tang Ao didn't walk around randomly, but jumped to hide on a sturdy old tree. Just now, under Tang Ao's spirit power, there were no signs of human martial arts activity, but there were a lot of powerful monsters around here. During Tang Ao's visit to the Ice and Snow Plains, many monsters in the Yuan Wu stage had been seen, but it was the first time Tang Ao had seen monsters in the Linghai stage.

At this moment, around Tang Ao, there were many spirit sea realm monsters. It's just that these monster beasts each seem to have their own territory and only operate in their own domain. Therefore, when several powerful monsters noticed Tang Ao, they just groaned twice and did not chase in Tang Ao's direction. "Could it be that this area is also a domain of powerful monsters? But there doesn't seem to be any powerful monsters in this area."

After observing the tree for a while, Tang Ao was sure that his guess was correct. These monsters did have a specific range of activities, and there was nothing major that would not infringe on the domain of other monsters. Moreover, Tang Ao faintly felt that he really seemed to be in the realm of a powerful monster, but no matter how Tang Ao searched, he couldn't find the powerful mysterious monster in this domain.

Since he couldn't find it, Tang Ao wasn't looking for this mysterious monster at all. Instead, he carefully observed the activities of the surrounding spirit sea monsters. Tang Ao didn't know where it was, but Tang Ao knew that staying in this place for a long time with his current strength was definitely not a wise decision. But after Tang Ao observed for a long time, Tang Ao sadly discovered that no matter where it was, there were powerful spirit sea monsters guarding it. If Tang Ao wanted to leave this area, no matter which direction he went, he would encounter a spirit sea realm monster.

Tang Ao is now a little reluctant to deal with the monster beasts at the peak of Yuan Wu realm, and it is very dangerous to face the monsters at the Linghai realm level. Thinking of this, Tang Ao took out a wooden ice fruit he had obtained not long ago. Although it may be just a drop in the bucket, Tang Ao also hoped that this Mu Bingguo would restore his spirit sea a little.

Now Tang Ao's Spirit Sea is in a completely broken state, unable to store spiritual power. If it weren't for Tang Ao's awakening of many powerful souls, Tang Ao now is no different from ordinary people. As long as this wooden ice fruit can repair Tang Ao's spirit sea a little, so that Tang Ao has the ability to store a certain amount of spiritual power, then Tang Ao will not be so passive.

Otherwise, even if Tang Ao urges the transmission of the jade talisman to temporarily absorb the refining spiritual power, although Tang Ao absorbs the refining spiritual power extremely fast, at the moment of life and death, when encountering danger, it may be fatal in an instant. So Tang Ao eagerly hoped that his spirit sea could store some spiritual power, not too much, as long as he could send jade charms.

After taking the wood ice fruit with hope, Tang Ao's injury did heal some, but the result still disappointed Tang Ao, because Tang Ao's spirit sea was still broken, unable to store a trace of spiritual power. While Tang Ao was thinking about how to recover from his injuries in the Ice and Snow Plain, almost everyone on the Xuanhuang Continent was looking for Tang Ao.

After the Ming Emperor secret realm ended, the survivors all returned to their sects smoothly. Immediately, the news in the secret realm of Emperor Ming was also known to the outside world. Tang Ao got the inheritance of Emperor Ming in the secret realm of Emperor Underworld, the inheritance of Emperor Shennong, and the news of the inheritance of Emperor Youlong was naturally passed on. One person has the inheritance of three great emperors, and there are at least three divine weapons on him, which is enough to make countless people crazy. But no matter how they searched, they couldn't find Tang Ao's whereabouts. The place where Tang Ao finally appeared was a battle with the major factions of Tianjiao, after which Tang Ao was hit hard and fled with the escape.

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