Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 889: Tough

"What is this, there is a... strange fluctuation." After snatching Tang Ao's transmission jade charm, the girl in the green skirt frowned and asked Tang Ao.

Tang Ao was speechless for a while, even though the martial arts civilization of the ice plains was lagging behind, there were still things like teleporting jade symbols. The six-layer cultivation base of the blue skirt girl in the Spirit Sea Realm in front of her should be considered a top-notch existence in the ice and snow plain. But this girl didn't know how to transmit the jade symbol, which made Tang Ao helpless. And looking at the serious look on her pretty face, it was obviously not a lie, but really didn't know.

"This is a teleportation jade symbol, which can be teleported within a radius of thousands of miles after being activated. But teleportation is not directional, so it may reach anywhere after teleportation." Tang Ao patiently explained to the girl in the green skirt.

"Oh, my name is Qing Xiao, what's your name?" After Tang Ao finished explaining, the girl in the green skirt suddenly said something like this and stunned Tang Ao directly.

"My name is Tang Ao..." Tang Ao was speechless. He had introduced it just now, but this somewhat confused girl didn't seem to remember it.

"Oh, your name is Tang Ao, you said it just now. Now, Tang Ao, now you know my name and I know your name, then we are friends. This delicious fruit is for you. "Qing Xiao said before Tang Ao reacted and handed two fist-sized Mu Bingguo to Tang Ao's hand.

Tang Ao was stunned. This was really nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes. Before finally getting a wood ice fruit and was hunted down, now I said a few words at random, and finally got two wood ice fruit. After Tang Ao took Mu Bingguo, he found that he was looking at him with a chuckle in his eyes. Tang Ao was stunned, what's the situation?

"Uh, I have already given you a gift, should you give me a gift?" Seeing Tang Ao seem to have no idea what she meant, Qing Xiao quietly glanced at the teleport jade symbol in her hand. Tang Ao suddenly understood that feelings are the jade talisman this girl wants to transmit to herself.

"Okay, Qing Xiao, this teleportation jade talisman will be given to you." Tang Ao has a lot of teleportation jade talisman, and Tang Ao, as a sixth-grade refiner, can refine it at any time as long as he has the materials.

"Tang Ao, you are so kind, okay if we leave here now, I've been here for a long time, and I haven't been able to get out." Qing Xiao looked at Tang Ao with some expectation, as if wishing Tang Ao to leave here with her.

Tang Ao wanted to leave here a long time ago, but because of the surrounding powerful spirit sea-level monsters, Tang Ao couldn't match any of them, so he wandered here. Now that Qing Xiao, a powerful person on the sixth floor of the Spirit Sea Realm, is willing to leave here with him, Tang Ao naturally couldn't ask for it. With Qing Xiao escorting, the spirit sea realm monsters outside were completely indifferent. After all, the strongest of these spirit sea realm monster beasts is only on the third level of the spirit sea realm, while Qing Xiao's strength is the peak of the sixth level of the spirit sea realm.

"Okay, which way shall we go?" Tang Ao looked at the monsters around him, none of which he could deal with, so he asked Qingxiao.

"Huh? Didn't we use the teleport jade talisman to leave?" Qing Xiao raised the teleport jade talisman in her hand.

"Using the Teleport Jade Talisman, we are not sure where we will arrive. It is very possible to reach a very dangerous place, just like..." Tang Ao wanted to say that it was like here now, but he managed to hold it back in time.

"But if you don't use the teleport jade talisman, you can't leave here." Qing Xiao said that she appeared on the edge of her territory as soon as she flicked. Tang Ao was shocked and came to Qing Xiao's side. Tang Ao stretched out his hand and smashed it forward, and a huge force blew back and immediately flew Tang Aozhen out.

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