Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 913: Purple Spirit Golden Dragon

Under the moonlight, the bonfire was faint, and the wind rustled. The three of Tang Ao sat around the bonfire. Through this short conversation, Tang Ao found that Zi Yan was very interesting. Of course it wasn't that Zi Yan and Tang Ao's conversation was interesting, but because of Zi Yan's identity. Celestial pupil, insight into the pupil of heaven and earth! Under Tang Ao Tianji pupil's insight, there were many people who could hide from Tang Ao.

Like Qing Xiao, Zi Yan in front of her was not a human race. And even more interesting is that both of them are heirs of the dragon clan. The only difference from Qing Xiao is that although Tang Ao can recognize Qing Xiao as a dragon clan, Tang Ao doesn't know which dragon clan Qing Xiao is from. As for Zi Yan's origins, Tang Ao could see.

Zi Yan is a juvenile purple spirit golden dragon. In the memory of Emperor Ming, there are a total of five dragon races in the world, namely the Fenyan True Dragon, which is the body of Tang Huo'er. The cold ice dragon, Tang You's body is the cold ice dragon. The five-clawed golden dragon, this kind of dragon Tang Ao has not come into contact with it yet, and then the purple spirit golden dragon. As for the last type of dragon, Emperor Ming only knows about its existence, and there is no more news about Emperor Ming.

Tang Ao was a human being, but it was the first time he came into contact with the Ziling Golden Dragon. It's just that maybe Zi Yan is still in her infancy, and she hasn't shown the characteristics of Zi Ling Jinlong. "Zi Yan, are you also an alchemy master?" In the conversation just now, Zi Yan said that she was going to the Yunlu Mountain Range to participate in the alchemy meeting held in the Medicine Valley. Although Zi Yan's identity is a bit mysterious, no matter how Tang Ao looks at Zi Yan, she doesn't look like an alchemist.

"I am not an alchemist, but when I enter the Jizo cemetery, a part of the quota will be put on the Yunlu auction for auction. I want to buy a quota to enter the Jizo cemetery." Zi Yan's gaze was very clear when talking about the Jizo cemetery. It is firm, it seems that it must be general.

"Sister Ziyan, are you going to the Jizo cemetery? Then let Tang Ao give you a place." Qing Xiao took a bite of the roast chicken and said casually. It seemed that the places that countless alchemists in the Ice and Snow Plains could get by working hard to get, Tang Ao was generally at hand.

"Ah, Tang Ao, do you have a place to enter the Ji Zang Cemetery?" Zi Yan stared at Tang Ao with big beautiful eyes without blinking.

Tang Ao scratched his head in embarrassment: "It will be there, and there is no problem waiting for me to get one for you." As a sixth-rank peak alchemist, Tang Ao couldn't get a place at this level of alchemy conference. If that is the case, Tang Ao, a sixth-rank alchemist, is too wasteful.

In the Yinyue Tribe, a piece of information about Tang Ao appeared in Liu Rushi's hand, and Tang Ao's Shennong Ding was placed in the center of the room by Liu Rushi. For Shennong Emperor Liu Ru, she was quite helpless. She saw that Shennongding was taken out by Tang Ao out of thin air, which means that Shennongding must have been stored by Tang Ao in some kind of storage spirit device.

But after Liu Rushi grabbed the Shennongding, not only could not be refined, but the Shennongding could not be put into the storage ring at all. Therefore, Liu Ru became more and more interested in Tang Ao.

"Sister, are you looking at Tang Ao's information again? I saw that after a while, this Tang Ao will become my brother-in-law." Liu Feifei said heartlessly beside Liu Ru.

"What nonsense? I'm just a little curious about him." Liu Ru has become accustomed to her unabashed sister.

"However, according to the information I have, Tang Ao seems to be a fourth-rank alchemist, and this time Tang Ao left the Xueyu tribe to participate in the alchemy conference in the Yunlu Mountains. At the alchemy conference, it is possible to meet Know this Tang Ao. This Fang Dading is extremely extraordinary, and I don't know what kind of treasure it is." Liu Ruyi said and knocked on the Shennongding that Tang Ao had left.

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