Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 915: Person who sells fakes

This old man dared to sell fakes in the market. Obviously, he had some means. Therefore, Tang Ao didn't explicitly say that this amber Ganoderma lucidum was a fake, but just mentioned it vaguely.

Sure enough, after hearing Tang Ao's words, the old man's cloudy eyes flashed, and then he looked at Tang Ao with a smile. For a long time, after the old man took another sip of grass smoke, he said to Tang Ao: "You are good, but there are three ways to get amber ganoderma from the old man." When the old man with yellow teeth spoke, he held up three fingers.

"You speak out and see, if I can do it, I will replace it with you." Tang Ao didn't directly boast that the old man only asked for conditions, and there was nothing he couldn't do. Although Tang Ao was a sixth-rank alchemist, Tang Ao was not sure what conditions the old man with yellow teeth would propose.

"Hey, don't worry, you can achieve at least one of these three ways." The old man took another puff of dry smoke, and then said to Tang Ao with his big yellow teeth cracked. Tang Ao couldn't help being a little curious when he heard this. Does this old man know that he can't do it?

"The first condition, if you have nirvana, how about I exchange an amber ganoderma with you?"

Tang Ao shook his head: "Nanimate Grass is a sixth-grade top-level spirit grass. Although I don't want Amber Ganoderma to be as rare as it is, in terms of value, the value of Nimitor Grass is more precious than Amber Ganoderma. Moreover, I don't have the same as the other "If Tang Ao has Ji Mie Grass, Tang Ao would never talk so much nonsense with the old man, so he exchanged it with the old man.

No matter how precious the nirvana grass is, it is also useless to Tang Ao now, and the amber ganoderma is very likely to restore Tang Ao's soul sea. It was not impossible to completely repair Tang Ao's damaged Linghai even by refining amber Ganoderma lucidum and several other spirit grasses into Shenzhao Danhou.

"Since you didn't kill the grass, then I said the second condition, the second condition, is to give me a bottle of thunder pulp. No, if you have thunder pulp, only half a bottle is fine."

"Lei Jiang? What is this?" Tang Ao, the treasure of heaven and earth in Xuanhuang Continent, knew 90% of the treasure, and Tang Ao knew almost 90% of the treasure of heaven and earth in the snow plain. But this thunder slurry was clearly outside Tang Ao's cognition.

The old man Huang Ya heard that Tang Ao didn’t even know Lei Jiang, he couldn’t help being disappointed. At first Tang Ao was able to recognize Nuanyu Ganoderma lucidum, and the old man Huang Ya was a little bit happy, but now Tang Ao didn’t even know Lei Jiang. Old man Ya wondered, Tang Ao recognized whether Amber Ganoderma lucidum had encountered dead mice.

The third condition of the old man Huang Ya was that he wanted Tang Ao to worship him as a teacher, but now the old man Huang Ya hesitated to accept Tang Ao as his disciple.

Tang Ao desperately wanted Amber Ganoderma lucidum. After seeing the look of the old man Huang Ya, Tang Ao felt that something was going to happen. Suddenly Tang Ao felt that something was wrong again. The behavior of the old man with yellow teeth didn't want an old man of this age. Although it was very impolite, Tang Ao still secretly turned the celestial pupil towards the old man with yellow teeth.

Under the observation of Tianji pupil, the old man's whole body was filled with pill energy, and he could not see the true face. However, Tang Ao was sure that this old man used a very interesting pill, Yi Rong Pill! Thinking of this, Tang Ao smiled casually.

"Boy, is ignorance still a joy for you?" The old man Huang Ya shouted at Tang Ao with turbid eyes.

Tang Ao shook his head, "Although I don't know Thunder Jelly, I am afraid that there are many spirit grasses I know that you don't know, and I also know that you have taken Yi Rong Dan." Tang Ao paid attention to Huang when he spoke. With the look of Old Man Ya, Tang Ao was even more certain that he had not read it wrong after seeing the flash of surprise in his eyes.

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