Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 917: Amber Soul Pill

Tang Ao in Baicaofang City looked at the direction where the weird old man had disappeared and shook his head. Tang Ao couldn't see through this ice and snow plain. It stands to reason that with the thin heaven and earth power here, it would be extremely reluctant to cultivate to the Linghai realm, but the mysterious old man just now was a powerhouse of life and death. Moreover, the old man is not an ordinary life and death state, even among the life and death martial artists, they are probably relatively advanced.

Then Tang Ao smiled again. This time he accidentally traded Amber Ganoderma lucidum. After a while, he used this amber Ganoderma lucidum to make an amber soul nourishing pill, which might be able to repair his damaged soul sea. After the soul sea is repaired, you can use your life soul to a greater extent. It is still far away from repairing the Linghai by himself, if the Linghai is restored to its peak state, it will be of great help to his future actions.

"Tang Ao, do you want to eat this?" Qing Xiao handed a bunch of glutinous rice **** to Tang Ao's mouth.

Tang Ao looked at Qing Xiao, and saw Qing Xiao holding a pile of food in her arms. Tang Ao couldn't help feeling in his heart, this girl is really edible. But what Tang Ao didn't know was that the reason why Qing Xiao was holding so many things was because her storage ring was already full of things she bought.

"Qing Xiao, why don't you put these things in your storage ring?" Tang Ao gave a chuckle and couldn't help asking.

"Ah, because my storage ring is full of things, I still want a lot of things, but that's not enough." Qing Xiao frowned slightly, seemingly worried.

"By the way, Tang Ao..." Qing Xiao seemed to have discovered something.

"What's the matter?" Tang Ao's heart tensed, this little girl shouldn't be hitting her with her idea, she wants to use her storage ring to help her carry things?

"What are you holding in your hand?" Qing Xiao couldn't help being curious when she saw Tang Ao holding a delicate jade box in her hand. In Qing Xiao's opinion, there are too many delicious foods in this Baicao small town, and perhaps what Tang Ao holds in his hand is also delicious.

"This is amber ganoderma, which can be used to refine amber soul pill." It turned out to be asking what was in the jade box, and Tang Ao thought that Qing Xiao wanted to help her install those various things. Tang Ao said, opening the jade box, and a crystal clear ganoderma lucidum was lying quietly in the jade box.

"It's actually Amber Ganoderma lucidum, my young master wants it!" When Tang Ao showed Amber Ganoderma lucidum to Qing Xiao, a disconcerting voice came.

Tang Ao looked at it and saw a young man in white clothes with a frivolous look. A group of people followed behind the young man, but they didn't speak. Obviously, the young man in white was looking forward to it.

"Boy, this is Zhao Tianyi, Master Zhao, Master Zhao has taken a fancy to your spirit grass, which is your blessing. Don't hurry up and give this spirit grass to Master Zhao." Seeing Tang Ao's eyes are weird, indifferent Standing there, a big man behind Zhao Tianyi said to Tang Ao impatiently.

"Oh!" Tang Ao replied indifferently, and there was no more.

"Boy, you didn't hear what I said, did you? Young Master Zhao Tianyi is a noble Four-Rank alchemist, and at the same time the Young Master of the Settlement Sun Tribe..."

"Okay, Qu Jiang." Zhao Tianyi waved his hand impatiently, but greedily looked at Qing Xiao beside Tang Ao with a pair of triangular eyes. He was attracted by Amber Ganoderma just now, but he didn't see such a stunning beauty in the first time. After discovering Qing Xiao, Zhao Tianyi could no longer look away from Qing Xiao.

"This beauty and the Amber Ganoderma are the same, you, get out of here!" Zhao Tianyi was even more arrogant than Qu Jiang just now. At this moment, Zhao Tianyi pointed at Tang Ao, as if talking to an ant. From Zhao Tianyi's point of view, Tang Ao's spiritual power did not fluctuate significantly, obviously he would not be a powerful character.

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