Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 924: The hidden person

After realizing the original old man's intention, Tang Ao instantly opened the celestial pupil. Then Tang Ao's face changed slightly, and under the gaze of Tianji pupil, at this moment, outside the formation of Tang Ao and Yuan Lao, there were many strong people hidden. Tang Ao found two warriors in the dead state. Even Tang Ao found a martial artist in the life and death realm.

This is a middle-aged man with tired eyes, and his appearance is somewhat similar to Zhao Yin. Fortunately, even though this person is a powerhouse of life and death, compared to the mysterious old man Tang Ao encountered not long ago, this middle-aged man is only one level of life and death. Although Tang Ao couldn't deal with his serious injury now, when Tang Ao faced this person, he would not have the powerless feeling of facing the mysterious old man.

"Qing Xiao, Zi Yan, there are a lot of people hidden outside the formation. I have broken through a passage. You two use the space jade symbol to send away. We will meet at the Yunlu Mountain Range." Tang Ao changed the formation. , Xiang Qingxiao said through voice transmission.

"Then, can't we leave together with the teleport jade talisman?" Qing Xiao asked.

"There is a forbidden air formation outside, even if it is to transmit a jade talisman, it takes some time to activate. After you leave, I will close the formation. Besides, I have a way to leave, trust me."

"I don't, you don't go, I won't go either. Unless you tell me the means of leaving." Qing Xiao shook his head and said seriously.

Seeing Qing Xiao doing this, Tang Ao was quite moved. So Tang Ao didn't hesitate, and used the most concise words to tell Qing Xiao the Chaos Six-Mans Realm. After hearing this, Qing Xiao was a little confused: "This is really okay."

"Of course, you have to believe me." Tang Ao patted his chest confidently.

But when Tang Ao didn't expect it, Qing Xiao's soft body suddenly hugged him: "I am waiting for you in the Yunlu Mountain Range, you must come."

"Well, let's go." Tang Ao instantly threw out two formation flags, and then the fifth-rank killer formation changed. A passage was revealed. After the passage came out, Zi Yan and Qing Xiao flashed in. At the same time, Tang Ao threw out two array flags again, and the trapped killing array was closed again by Tang Ao. Things were not easy this time. After Qing Xiao and Zi Yan left, Tang Ao also felt a lot easier.

After seeing Tang Ao let Qing Xiao and Ziyan go, Zhao Yin and the old man frowned, and Zhao Tianyi even shouted: "Tang Ao, you are crazy! I died here today, even if Zhao Yin If He Yuan doesn’t kill you, you won’t survive!"

"Then you don't have to worry about it, as long as you die in front of me, I will be satisfied." Tang Ao didn't have the slightest impression of Zhao Tianyi. If you change someone, Tang Ao might really join hands with him, but Zhao Tianyi, if Tang Ao doesn't take action against him personally, he has to thank Tang Ao well.

"Ah!" Suddenly Zhao Tian let out a scream, one of his arms had been taken off by the old man.

"Old man Zhao Yuan, dare you to move me! I want you...Ah!" Before Zhao Tianyi finished speaking, one of Zhao Tianyi's calf was cut off by the old man again.

Tang Ao became more and more puzzled. The purpose of Zhao Yin's trip was to kill Zhao Tianyi, but at this moment, Yuan Lao could easily kill Zhao Tianyi, why he didn't directly kill Zhao Tianyi.

"Zhao Yuan, stop it." A floating voice came from a distance. Then a handsome man in white tore apart the formation of Tang Ao and Zhao Yin and came to Zhao Tian's side.

"Half-step life-and-death state powerhouse!" Tang Ao's eyes narrowed. This handsome white man was stronger than Zhao Yin and Tu Hong, and was a half-step life and death state powerhouse! Even different from the ordinary half-step life and death, this white man has already stepped into the threshold of life and death with one foot, and he has some powerful aura of life and death.

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