Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 932: Tang Ao's ancestors

But when Tang Ao and Yu Bing came under the rubble, the rubble rolled down, and then Zhao Yuanfeng staggered to stand up from under the rubble. "This kid Qin Tianxuan is getting better and better, so he is so embarrassed." Zhao Yuanfeng looked at Tang Ao with a wry smile.

Tang Ao sat down, suppressing the poison in Zhao Yuanfeng's body just now, and Tang Ao's spirit power was completely emptied by Jade Bone Vitality Soul. "Brother Zhao is too Qian. If it weren't for the poisonous poison in Brother Zhao's body, 90% of the spiritual power would suppress the toxins in his body. Even if the deity Qin Tianxuan is here, I'm afraid he can't eat it."

Zhao Yuanfeng smiled boldly, but shook his head: "Yun Yun told me that the Wuyun tribe has a magical secret technique. Now it seems that Qin Tianxuan's external incarnation is the magical secret technique of the Wuyun tribe. The deity and the incarnation can be at the same time. Cultivation, but the strength of the avatar is sixty percent or more weaker than the deity. Qin Tianxuan’s avatar has three levels of cultivation in the life and death stage, and the deity is probably already a strong person at the peak of life and death."

Said this, Zhao Yuanfeng coughed violently: "Don't say it is me, I am afraid that even Yaoheng is not his opponent. I have an adventure with Yaoheng, and Qin Tianxuan does not seem to be a person with bad luck. I want to come all these years, too. Some strange encounters, but his spiritual power fluctuations just now..." Zhao Yuanfeng did not continue to speak, but looked at Yu Bing.

Yu Bing took a deep breath, and then nodded: "I gave Qin Tianxuan the exercises you gave me. I know I'm sorry, and I don't beg your forgiveness. You kill me." Yu Bing said He handed the Ice Soul Sword to Zhao Yuanfeng.

Zhao Yuanfeng smiled miserably and handed the Ice Soul Sword to Tang Ao. Tang Ao was taken aback. Although this Yu Bing was extremely hateful, everything became clear now, and Yu Bing was also one of the victims. It was impossible for Zhao Yuanfeng to kill Yu Bing himself.

"This sword was given by your ancestors, and now it is returned to you, and it is considered as returning to the original owner." When Tang Ao was thinking about it, Zhao Yuanfeng said calmly.

Tang Ao was a little confused, taught by his ancestors?

Seeing Tang Ao’s doubts, Zhao Yuanfeng explained: “My mentor is named Yaoli, but although Senior Yaoli taught me to practice, he did not accept me as a disciple. This sword was also a gift from Senior Yaoli and is now being returned. You." Tang Ao suddenly understood what Zhao Yuanfeng meant. Emperor Shennong’s common name was Yaoli. Because the Tianji pupil was created by Emperor Shennong, Zhao Yuanfeng must have seen his own Tianji pupil, so he mistakenly thought he was a descendant of Emperor Shennong. Up.

Knowing that Zhao Yuanfeng had misunderstood, Tang Ao immediately said: "Brother Zhao misunderstood. Emperor Shennong is my master, and the Shennong Ding of the original master is also on me. Not long ago I met the blood wolf tribe..."

"Brother Tang Ao, I didn't expect Senior Yaoli to accept you as a disciple. You are so blessed. Speaking of which, I'm still half a senior." Zhao Yuanfeng coughed violently after speaking.

Tang Ao took out a big lotus Hua Dan and gave it to Zhao Yuanfeng, and at the same time returned the Slaughter Sword to Zhao Yuanfeng. After Zhao Yuanfeng took the Slaughter Sword, he said to Yu Bing on the side: "You go, this matter is a misunderstanding after all, I have a clear grievance with Zhao Yuanfeng."

"Since you don't kill me, I am willing to stay and take care of you, I..." Yu Bing wanted to say something, but couldn't say anything.

"When Qin Tianxuan killed your sister, your sister was pregnant with my child. Qin Tianxuan killed my wife and children, although I can't kill Qin Tianxuan's wife, but his son Qin Tianyi must die. I will not kill you today, if you want to in the future Naturally, you can come to me for revenge." Tang Ao didn't interrupt. This is Zhao Yuanfeng's family affair. Although Tang Ao has many opinions, Tang Ao can't interfere.

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