Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 939: Sky-Priced Wood Bingguo

Tang Ao discovered that these soul powers all flashed away on him, but stayed on Xia Lulu for a while, obviously not against him. After discovering that someone was going to deal with Xia Lulu, Tang Ao's incomparable spirit power spread out in all directions. Under Tang Ao's soul power exploration, Tang Ao discovered the peak powerhouse of the Spirit Sea realm who was secretly protecting Xia Lulu. At the same time, he also discovered five people who followed him and Xia Lulu not far away.

The breath of these five people is very cold, but their cultivation is not weak. The person with the worst cultivation base is the sixth-level cultivation base of the Linghai Realm, while the strongest cultivation base is the nine-level cultivation base of the Linghai Realm. Although not secretly protecting the strong Xia Lulu, he was not much weaker. If five people work together, Xia Lulu is still in danger. What made Tang Ao puzzled was that the five people just followed from a distance and had no intention of making a move.

"How do you sell this Mu Bingguo?" As he was walking, Tang Ao saw ten Mu Bingguo neatly arranged on the stall beside the road.

"Hey, one thousand snow beads, no bargaining." The seller of Mu Bingguo was a young man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, who looked very shrewd.

Although Xuezhu was a dispensable thing for Tang Ao, the price of a wooden ice fruit for a thousand snow beads was still too high. Mu Bingguo is a valuable treasure in the ice and snow plain, but it is usually only a hundred snow beads, and occasionally the price is raised to two hundred snow beads, which doubles the price. But now the savvy youth sells one thousand snow beads, which directly increases tenfold.

"You sell Mu Bingguo so expensive, you probably haven't sold one." Tang Ao said casually.

"What does this have to do with you, whether you like to buy or not." Hearing Tang Ao's words, the shrewd youth seemed a little angry.

"As far as I know, the normal price of Mu Bingguo is one hundred snow beads. Your Mu Bingguo is ten times more expensive than ordinary ones. Would you like to come to an unusual place?" Tang Ao asked tentatively. No matter how expensive the Mu Bingguo is, Tang Ao will buy it whenever he encounters it, but when Tang Ao used his spirit power to explore it just now, Tang Ao found that this young man's Mu Bingguo was indeed different from the ordinary Mu Bingguo. ,

The ten wood ice fruits on his booth contained a pure aura, which was endless, and when Tang Ao's soul power swept past, Tang Ao felt that his soul power seemed to be washed away.

"Hmph, of course it's different, me..." The shrewd young man suddenly stopped here.

Tang Ao naturally understood what he meant: "As long as you can explain in detail the differences between these ten wood ice fruits and ordinary wood ice fruits, I will buy all the ten wood ice fruits at the original price, how about?"

"That's not good. This is a secret I know. If I tell you that you don't buy it, wouldn't I lose it? And the secret will be revealed as soon as I tell you, so I can only sell this secret once. I don’t think so. You bought these ten wood ice fruits first, and then you gave me 10,000 snow beads. I will tell you the secret, how about?"

Tang Ao secretly sighed in his heart that this shrewd young man really looked the same, his appearance was already extremely shrewd, and his mind was so shrewd. His ten special Mu Bingguo would sell Tang Ao's 10,000 snow beads, and Tang Ao would spend 10,000 snow beads to know the secret of these Mu Bingguo. "You can buy these ten wood ice fruits first, but after I buy them, you must tell me the secrets of these wood ice fruits first. I am paying you snow beads based on the value of the secrets. You have to know that there are so many secrets in this world. No secrets are worth 10,000 snow beads."

When Tang Ao was talking to the shrewd young man, his spirit power inspected these Mu Bingguo again, and under investigation, Tang Ao confirmed that these Mu Bingguo were extraordinary.

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