Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 941: The discovery of the celestial pupil

Guyun Ridge is covered with thick ice and snow all the year round, and there is continuous wind blowing on the ridge. When Tang Ao and Xia Lulu came here, the flying ice and snow slapped them on their faces. Xia Lulu raised her little hand to block the rushing ice and snow. Tang Ao fixed his eyes and opened the celestial pupils and observed the surroundings.

The celestial pupil is the divine pupil that has insight into the world, and as Tang Ao continues to grow, the celestial pupil has become more powerful. At this moment in Tang Ao's eyes, whether it was the falling snow or the trajectory of the gang wind, Tang Ao's eyes were all in a glance. At that instant, the world changed in Tang Ao's eyes. Tang Aoyun looked around with the pupil of the celestial pole, and Tang Ao discovered the ice and fruit trees hidden under the ice and snow.

The shrewd young man did not lie not long ago. There are indeed many wood ice fruit trees here, and this area is also filled with a special breath. It's just that Tang Ao hasn't found the source of this breath for a long time. "Huh?" Suddenly, Tang Ao found a snow cave under a huge boulder. In the snow cave, a tall and tall wood ice fruit tree grew. The fruit tree was pressed against branches, and several plump wood ice fruits fell in the snow cave. Branch.

"Go, Xia Lulu, let's try something." For some reason, the two groups who had followed Xia Lulu unexpectedly did not follow at this moment. Tang Ao thought to himself whether two groups of people were fighting halfway. But this has nothing to do with Tang Ao, and Xia Lulu is not dangerous. Now that he saw a Mubing fruit tree hidden in the snow cave, Tang Ao naturally wanted to take Xia Lulu to try it.

After coming to the snow cave and seeing the Mubing fruit tree, Xia Lulu opened her mouth wide: "Wow! Tang Ao, this is the first time I have seen Mubingguo growing on a tree, too?"

Tang Ao shook her head: "I have seen it once before, but this is the first time I have seen a fruit tree with so many wood ice fruits. I will pick one for you to taste." Xia Lulu was not as tall as Tang Ao's shoulders, and she jumped up. Can't pick wood ice fruit. Tang Ao pulled off the branch with one hand, and then picked off a ripe Mu Bingguo and handed it to Xia Lulu.

"Thank you Brother Tang Ao." Xia Lulu took the Mu Bingguo handed over by Tang Ao, smiling with crooked crescents with beautiful eyes.

"Snap" Xia Lulu opened her small mouth and took a big bite on Mu Bingguo. While chewing, he said to Tang Ao, "Brother Tang Ao, the Mu Bingguo here is crisp and sweet."

Tang Ao also picked off a Mu Bingguo and tasted it. Indeed, the Mu Bingguo here is sweeter, crisper and more delicious than the ones that Tang Ao has eaten before, and there is a sense of warmth and refreshing that makes people feel refreshed. After confirming that the Mu Bingguo here was different from elsewhere, Tang Aoyun raised the celestial pupil and followed the roots of the fruit tree.

Under the inspection of Tianji pupil, Tang Ao discovered that the soil here is very special, and there is a strong vitality in the soil. And the deeper Tang Ao's perception goes, the more intense this interest-earning becomes. "Everything is impermanent, there must be a demon. Could it be that there is no treasure in the ground?" Tang Ao turned his mind and wanted to go down and explore.

It's just that now Tang Ao's strength is less than half of his heyday, so deep underground is a bit overwhelming, and if you bring Xia Lulu, I am afraid it will be a little dangerous.

"Xia Lulu, you are waiting for me here, I'll go down and take a look, there is something weird down here."

"But I want to follow Brother Tang Ao." Xia Lulu looked at Tang Ao expectantly.

If Tang Ao was in his heyday, it would be fine to bring Xia Lulu, but in Tang Ao's current state, Tang Ao really did not dare to take Xia Lulu on an adventure. If it was Tang Ao alone, when encountering a situation that he couldn't cope with, Tang Ao could completely hide in the chaotic six-mans realm space, but Xia Lulu could not enter the chaotic six-mans realm space.

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