Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 947: Wang Lingguan

"Kacha Kacha" Tang Ao's bones were still shattering, but what Tang Ao really despaired was not the bone being crushed, but the Nether Sword he was desperate for, and he couldn't communicate at this moment. Unable to use the Nether Sword, Tang Ao didn't even have the qualifications to fight to the death. If Shennongding was on Tang Ao, Tang Ao would definitely use Shennongding to defend without hesitation just now.

After all, Shennongding saved Tang Ao from danger many times, and Tang Ao hadn't really used this nether sword before. Only based on the inheritance of Ming Emperor's memory, Tang Ao knew that the power of the Nether Sword was not under the Yuanshi Shengtian Bow. And under the blessing of the Underworld Life and Soul, Tang Ao's current Nether Sword's power was much stronger than Yuanshi Shengtian Bow. It was precisely because of this that Tang Ao's desperate bet just now was all hoped to bet on the Nether Sword. As a result, now Nether Sword, instead of showing great power and smashing this light group, directly lost touch with Tang Ao.

"Ah! I'm not reconciled!" Tang Ao roared wildly, his heart full of unwillingness. In this life, although Tang Ao is still a long way from the Yellow Continent, Tang Ao's cultivation in this life is more than several times stronger than that of the previous life. In the previous life, Tang Ao was just a jade body hidden in the stone, but in this life, Tang Ao was a jade body of the Nine Dragon Emperor.

In addition, Tang Ao received the inheritance of the three great emperors, and the Yuanshi Shengtian Bow that was dreamed of in his previous life. None of this is the most important thing. The most important thing is that Tang Ao in this life is no longer invincible but lonely like the previous life. Tang Ao has a lot of fetters in this life. Qiu Lingsu, who was not able to express his love in his previous life, the beauty Luo Caiyi met by the Seven Killers, and the brother of Yi Bo Yuntian, Dongxuan Ye...

Too many fetters made Tang Ao unwilling to die like this. "Drink!" Tang Ao shouted angrily. The already dry Linghai actually gave birth to spiritual power again, and the soul sea also continuously released a stream of pure soul power into the underworld. The wind howled, the earthquake trembled, and the whole space became dark at this moment.

Behind Tang Ao, a void door that seemed to come from Jiuyou slowly opened. Behind this door, there was a pitch-black void, but an unusually powerful and fearful nether aura rolled out of this door. These Nether Qi converged towards the Nether Sword without reservation, and the Nether Sword that had been lost with Tang Ao just now had re-established contact with Tang Ao.

Although the Nether Sword hadn't moved yet, Tang Ao could already feel the terrifying aura on the Nether Sword. At the same time, Tang Ao looked at the figure behind the void gate in a somewhat unbelievable manner: "Ancestor of Emperor Ming?" Behind this void gate, there was a ghost. This phantom cannot be seen by ordinary people, but Tang Ao's celestial pupil can see clearly.

This person is no one else, it is the Emperor Underworld who disappeared as the secret realm of Emperor Underworld dissipated! Emperor Ming smiled kindly to Tang Ao: "This is a divine mind clone I stayed in the underworld. I wanted to help you when you encounter life and death in the future. I didn't expect you to be in danger so soon."

Tang Ao’s face blushed because of Emperor Ming’s words, and Tang Ao also knew that Emperor Ming’s divine mind clone was probably prepared for him to deal with powerful people at the level of Magnetism in the future, but now he has encountered a spirit body. I can't figure it out, wasting this assassin that Emperor Ming had prepared for him.

"Wang Lingguan, Yuan Ci is the common enemy of your lord and me. Tang Ao is the descendant of my blood. How about giving this half of the earth to him?" Tang Ao didn't know who was in the light group, but Emperor Ming's The avatar of Shennian revealed this person's identity in one word.

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