Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 953: Can't make alchemy

Tang Ao proposed to refining the Little Lotus Pang, and the white-haired young man readily accepted the invitation. "Okay, then I will compare the refining of the little lotus pill with you." The four people behind the white-haired boy had no objection. Although it didn't take long for the white-haired young man to be promoted to the fifth-rank alchemist, with the white-haired young man's alchemy talent, there is absolutely no reason to lose to such a reputation as Tang Ao.

"Brother Tang Ao, come on." Xia Lulu knew that Tang Ao was also the alchemist who went to the alchemy meeting, but Xia Lulu didn't know Tang Ao's alchemy ability. Just don't know why, Xia Lulu is very confident in Tang Ao.

However, the two of Xia Xing Xia didn't have that confidence in Tang Ao. Xia Zangfeng had nothing to do with Tang Ao. He nodded to Tang Ao and said nothing, but Xia Xing frowned. Tang Ao suggested to compare with seven ghosts to refine a fifth-rank spirit pill and a small lotus pill, so Tang Ao might be a fifth-rank spirit pill master. But even the five-rank spirit alchemist is divided into three, six or nine. Although the little ghosts in the Seven Ghosts of Yin You are young, they are extremely talented.

In Xia Xing's opinion, Tang Ao was probably not the opponent of Qigui. Even if Tang Ao lost, Xia Xing Xia couldn't give Xia Lulu to the Seven Ghosts of Yin You, but now only five of the Seven Ghosts came and dragged him and Xia Zangfeng, if the other two of the Seven Ghosts If they also came, it would not be so easy for them to get away.

Thinking of the summer trip here, he spoke to Xia Zangfeng and said: "Zangfeng, if this kid loses in a while, you can leave and take the lady away. I will hold the seven ghosts here.,"

Xia Zangfeng nodded, honestly he didn't hold any hope for Tang Ao either. It would be great if Tang Ao could give them a surprise. If Tang Ao was not the opponent of the Seven Ghosts, then they could only take Xia Lulu away. As for Tang Ao, he could only ask for more blessings. The Seven Ghosts of Yin You didn't seem to be cruel and cruel, but in terms of what they did, they were all said to be cruel and cruel.

"How about this competition, it depends on who refining the super small lotus pill first?" The white-haired boy suggested to Tang Ao before the competition began.

Tang Ao originally only planned to refine the superior little lotus pill. Listening to the tone of the white-haired boy, could he not make the special little lotus pill? The reason why Tang Ao wanted to refine the superior little lotus pill was not because he couldn't refine the special little lotus pill, but because he wanted to keep one hand. But if it were to be compared like this, Tang Ao would have to refine a special-grade little lotus pill.

Interesting, Tang Ao murmured in his heart, but did not refuse. After that, Tang Ao and the white-haired boy both took out the alchemy furnace. Tang Ao possessed the pill formula to condense the internal fire, and he could make alchemy without using the alchemy furnace. Although the white-haired boy had good alchemy talents, he learned a lot and hadn't learned Tang Ao's alchemy.

Tang Ao Xingyun's brain threw the medicinal materials into the alchemy furnace, causing Xia Lulu's big eyes to show brilliance. Xia Lulu was also a first-class alchemist, but Xia Lulu had never seen a pill that could be refined in this way. "Brother Tang Ao is amazing."

Unlike Xia Lulu, Xia Xing almost jumped up. Can the fifth-rank alchemy be refined like this? I'm afraid that even the old medicine king of Medicine Valley can't make alchemy like this, right? The white-haired young man who was opposite Tang Ao was quite well-prepared for alchemy. One herb was put into the alchemy furnace. After the liquid was refined, the next one was put into the medicine.

Although Tang Ao put all the spirit grass into the alchemy furnace with his brain, but when Tang Ao was still refining the medicinal materials, the white-haired young man came to the top, and the medicinal materials were all refined and started to smelt the medicinal liquid. Not long after, as the pill incense in the furnace came out, Xia Xing and others looked at the white-haired boy in shock.

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