Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 956: Allure Liu Rushi

Tang Ao was a little flattered. He and Liu Rushi had only had a fate. Why did Liu Ru be so polite to him. However, Tang Ao always wanted to ask Liu Rushi. Tang Ao couldn’t find time to find Liu Rushi. Now that he has encountered it, Tang Ao naturally wants to ask about Shennongding’s whereabouts: "Ms. Liu, things were urgent. The Shennongding was left by mistake, Miss Liu knows the whereabouts of Shennongding?"

"I seem to know, but it doesn't seem to be the time to talk about these." Liu Ruyi picked up her beautiful eyelashes. He was natural and charming at a time, as if to warm people's hearts.

Seeing Liu Ruye who suddenly appeared, the old ghost looked a little ugly. When Xia Cangfeng was in the Linghai realm, he could leapfrog the powers of the life and death realm. Now that Xia Zangfeng's cultivation has broken through to the death realm, how terrifying his strength should be. Originally facing the old ghost Xia Zangfeng, he didn't know what to do, but now he added a half-step life and death Liu Ruye, the old ghost knew that this matter was complicated.

"Even if you add Liu Ruye, you are only three? Do you think the three of you can fight against my six brothers?" The old ghost did not talk nonsense with Liu Ru. The Huanglong tribe and the Yinyue tribe are good tribes with a pair of pants. , You don’t have to think about it if you want to divorce Liu Ru.

Tang Ao was a little bit dumbfounded, the old guy ignored himself. Although Tang Ao didn't want the old ghost to pay too much attention to him, but the Seven Ghosts of Yinyou were not all characters in the life and death realm, and the weakest person was also in the seventh level of the spirit sea realm. It shows that the imp is the weakest, and only has the strength of the sixth level of the Linghai realm, but Tang Ao has already checked with the celestial pupil just now. This kid is a master who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. Tang Ao had the same level of cultivation before being injured.

"Why nonsense, I know after the battle." Xia Zangfeng said that he had already taken the lead in attacking the old ghost. The old ghost did not lie. The sixth brother of the old ghost is indeed a human being. Since a battle is inevitable, starting a fight at this time is most beneficial to his side. Worried that the old ghost would not be invincible, the two ghosts also stepped forward to help, while the three ghosts and the four ghosts held back Xiaxia's trip.

The remaining five ghosts and seven ghosts walked towards Tang Ao and Liu Ruyi. Seeing the two coming, Liu Ruyi said softly, "Young Master Tang Ao does not intend to help his concubine as a powerful enemy. He intends to see them. Did the two bully their concubine as a weak woman?" Liu Ru said jokingly, seeing Tang Ao indifferent. Since the last time I saw Tang Ao, Liu Rushi had always wondered if Tang Ao was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. This time, he could give Tang Ao a try.

Tang Ao hadn't planned to stand by, because although Liu Ru is strong, he is definitely not the opponent of the two. Now that Liu Ru said, Tang Ao just followed her meaning and replied: "I will deal with the five ghosts, and the seven ghosts will be handed over to Miss Liu." The five ghosts are only the cultivation base of the seventh level of the Linghai realm, and the seven ghosts are the most powerful. Weak existence. The Seven Ghosts looked weak, but they were actually warriors at the first level of life and death.

"Young Master Tang Ao really considers his concubine, and thinks about it." Seeing Tang Ao taking the initiative to choose the five more powerful ghosts, Liu Ru smiled like peach blossoms.

Tang Ao was amused for a while, he was indeed "thinking" for Liu Ru. The seven ghosts on the first level of life and death are definitely enough for Liu Ru to drink a pot. Although the matter last time had nothing to do with Liu Ru, if Liu Ru were willing to help, Tang Ao and Qing Xiao would not be so embarrassed. Tang Ao's Linghai was completely shattered last time, far from being as strong as it is now. And even if Liu Ru made a move, it was just a matter of effort.

"Boy, you are so courageous. You have broken the good deeds of our Yinyou Seven Ghosts, and dare to appear in front of me!" The five ghosts have no affection for Tang Ao. If Tang Ao hadn't intervened, they might have already Xia Lulu snatched it away.

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