Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 965: Sword fighting platform

The sound of the piano is very few, lingering in the ear. Tang Ao's eyes followed the sound of the piano, and he saw a curtain on the second floor of Tianxiang Building. Behind the curtain there was a woman who couldn't see her face. It was this woman sitting behind the curtain and playing the piano. According to Chu Yucheng, the one who plays the piano behind the curtain is Shangguan Wan'er, one of the top four in Tianxiang Tower. Although he hadn't seen anyone yet, Tang Ao had unconsciously sketched the appearance of a peerless beauty in his mind.

"Brother Tang, where is the Fighting Sword Platform." Seeing Tang Ao come back to his senses, Chu Yucheng stretched out his hand and pointed in one direction. Although the Doujiantai is called Doujiantai, it does not limit its means. On the sword fighting platform, it is not just swords. On the sword fighting platform at this moment, a black-faced man on the sixth floor of the Linghai Realm and a thin monkey-like young man in red were fighting in full swing.

"Brother Chu, you just said that you can only be the guest of Ms. Shangguan Wan'er by overpowering the heroes on the sword fighting stage. I don't know what it means to overwhelm the heroes?" Tang Ao saw the black encirclement under the fighting sword stage. With a group of people, is it to be able to beat all these people into the ring before they can be considered to be the best? As the saying goes, the tiger can't stand a pack of wolves, and this ring is also not all mediocre.

"Haha, it's just a decent way to beat the heroes. As long as you win ten games in a row on the sword fighting platform and get the consent of the girl Wan'er, you can enter the scene and talk to the girl Wan'er. If you can win a hundred games in a row, you can Staying overnight with any girl from Tianxianglou's four must-dos. However, looking at this situation, it is not easy to win ten games in a row, and it is even more nonsense to win a hundred games in a row."

Chu Yucheng took a sip of the wine gourd. His wine had a slight aroma, obviously a delicate wine. In normal times, Tang Ao would be interested in discussing his wine with Chu Yucheng, but at this moment, the beauty is obviously more attractive to Tang Ao.

"Couldn't Brother Chu have a ten-game winning streak?" Tang Ao knew that Chu Yucheng had thoughts about Shangguan Wan'er, but he didn't know if Chu Yucheng had seen Shangguan Wan'er behind the curtain.

"Hehe, I have just arrived in Tianxiang Tower. I have seen some of the people on the sword fighting platform, but have not yet been on the stage. Brother Tang deliberately went up to show off his demeanor?" Chu Yu was straightforward and thought. Say whatever you want.

"Tang's strength is low, and he still doesn't want to show his ugliness." Tang Ao is not a person who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman. Even if Shangguan Wan'er is as beautiful as a god, in this state Tang Ao doesn't want to just see her. Fight ten times with others.

"Young Master Xue Hong has won eight games in a row. If he wins this game, he should be able to enter the curtain and talk to Miss Wan'er?" Next to Tang Ao, several people watched the battle on the sword fighting platform and talked in a low voice.

"Hey, that black face is not an ordinary person, but one of the five masters of Tianxianglou, Heisha!"

"This person is Heisha? It is said that his strength is not much better than that of the top ten top players. It seems that Miss Wan'er doesn't want to see Xue Hong."


Tang Ao's gaze also turned to the ring. At this moment, the battle between Xue Hong and Heisha in the ring had reached the final juncture. Hei Sha took a big hammer in his hand, dancing like a tiger, as if he was about to smash the sword fighting platform. Xue Hong in front of the Black Fiend took the light route, with a short thorn in his hand that went from side to side, but didn't shake the Black Fiend head-on.

Tang Ao knew that the strength of this black evil spirit was much stronger than Xue Hong, but this Xue Hong was like his nemesis, with unparalleled dexterity. When Heisha faced him, it was like a cannon hitting mosquitoes, unable to make it strong. However, Xue Hong relied on his dexterity, and his short thorns continuously brought a puff of blood mist to Heisha's body. Tang Ao shook his head. Although both sides still have the power to fight again, the outcome is already divided, but I don't know why the Black Sha would rather be injured than fight back.

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