Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 970: Guiqi

On the sword fighting stage, Tang Ao and the Qingshan swordsman fought. The swordsman in Qingshan seems to be well-known in Tianxianglou, and he is also the one who has won ten games in a row. Therefore, after the Qingshan swordsman and Tang Aodou were at the same place, there were constant shouts from the ring. And seeing that Tang Ao hadn't been able to destroy the swordsman in the blue shirt off the ring, this also confirmed everyone's thoughts.

That was when Xue Honglian fought for ten games just now. Tang Ao's moves were thoroughly studied, so Tang Ao seized Xue Hong's weakness and unexpectedly knocked Xue Hong out of the ring. If Xue Hong knew Tang Ao, Tang Ao would definitely not be Xue Hong's opponent.

On the sword fighting stage, the swordsman in the blue shirt went slanting, with weird tricks, and pierced Tang Ao's vitals everywhere, but Tang Ao's figure was so dexterous, he could always avoid the moves of the swordsman in a dangerous and dangerous way. open. "Hide around, when are you going to hide." After the Qingshan swordsman couldn't even hit Tang Ao with 180 swords, he was a little annoyed.

Sword practitioners are most afraid of impetuousness. And the swordsman in Qingshan at this moment obviously committed this taboo. Although the three-foot green front in his hand suddenly accelerated a lot, his swordsmanship was no longer as murderous as before, but became chaotic. Even if this kind of swordsmanship could hit Tang Ao, it would never have hurt Tang Ao.

What's more, even if his sword was approaching this level, Tang Ao could still avoid it while he was moving around. "Well, it should be almost done." After the green shirt swordsman attacked another sword, Tang Ao suddenly flashed in front of the blue shirt swordsman in an astonishing arc, and then everyone saw Tang Ao's destructive punch again.

A muffled sound of "bang", a different process, a familiar formula. The green shirt swordsman was hit by Tang Ao's chest with a punch, and fell to the sword fighting stage. Seeing Tang Ao defeated another person, everyone in the audience couldn't help being filled with outrage.

"This kid is really hateful. I don't think he is capable. He is more pure in spirit and more flexible in body skills. The only killer move is this unexpected punch."

"My dear friend, this kid should have only this little means. Now he is very poor, which brother will go up and let him roll off."

"I'm here, my slaughter of wolf stick method, specifically to deal with flexible body." An old beggar in ragged clothes said.

"Well, please, please go up and teach him." These people don't want Tang Ao and Shangguan Wan'er to live together. Naturally, they don't want to see Tang Ao's winning streak, or even a hundred consecutive victories.

The old beggar fell to his feet, and then stepped heavily on the sword fighting platform, the shaking fighting platform was dusty.

With a move, Tang Ao summoned the Spear Spirit of the Hundred Battles, both on the fourth level of the Linghai Realm. The use of the Battle Saint Bone Life Soul is basically a spike. If the spike continues, Tang Ao is worried that even these people will get the feather arrows. , He was unwilling to take the stage to fight against him. In that case, Tang Ao would let them see the hope of "conquering" him, and then he would rush to the stage to challenge himself.

Tang Ao's figure flashed, and the soul of a hundred wars was here instantly. But the old beggar crossed his cane to block it at will, and then pressed the cane and beat Tang Ao. Although this move was fast, it was full of flaws, and it was not difficult for Tang Ao to avoid it. But Tang Ao couldn't hide, because the old beggar had a very good timing of his move. Tang Ao could only pretend to be caught by him and beat him.

"Bang!" The old beggar's hand hit Tang Ao's leg without any accident. Under the protection of the Fighting Saint Bone and Fate Soul, Tang Ao didn't feel much, but he was still staggering and unsteady. After taking a few steps back, he "reluctantly" stabilized his figure, and then looked at the old man in front of him with "fear". Tang Ao didn't know if he acted like it, or if everyone in the Doujian stage believed it or not. Tang Ao didn't believe it anyway.

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