Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 974: Inquire about news

Just as everyone was about to go out, Tang Ao suddenly stopped the woman in the bright red dress. "Girl stay."

Hong Shang originally thought that Tang Ao was a warrior like an ascetic monk, and gave Tang Ao a slightly high look. Now that she heard Tang Ao tell her to stay, Hong Shang secretly sighed that he was unlucky. At the same time, he became more sure that all men are the same. Virtue.

"What's the matter with the son of Tang Ao called Hong Shang?" Since Tang Ao can get the qualification to move in to the Tianzi room, it shows that Tang Ao must be exceptional. Although Tang Ao seems to be inferior to Chu Yucheng, Hong Shang It's not that he rejects Tang Ao very much. Just thinking of giving her complete body to Tang Ao, this hairy boy, Hong Chang felt very uncomfortable.

"You stay, I'm looking for something to do with you." Tang Ao saw that the others were relatively cold just now, and this Hong Shang was still eager after seeing him, so he let Hong Shang flow down. At this moment, Tang Ao didn't have the thoughts in Hong Shang's heart. The reason why Tang Ao asked her to stay was just to ask her some questions.

After the other women walked out of Tang Ao's door, they immediately began to whisper. One of the pretty women with apricot-eyed waves said: "Hong Chang is really unlucky, and Tang Ao actually took a fancy to it."

"What does Sister Linglong mean? Although this Tang Ao is not as handsome as Chu Yucheng's son, but he doesn't look bad. And he can get the qualification to live in the Tianzi room, so he is a dragon and phoenix if he wants to come.

"Sister, this is wrong. Even if they are both outstanding people, there are differences between superior and inferior. Those who live in the sky room include the top ten masters of the ice and snow plain, but not all the top ten masters are eligible to live in the sky room. The most unbearable of the twelve people living in the Tianzifang is this Tang Ao."

Another woman with skin Shengxue also said: "It is said that Tang Ao only has the fourth-level cultivation base of the Linghai Realm, which is lower than that of our sisters, and I heard that the reason why he was able to stay in the Tianzi room, It's because of sister Wan'er."

Speaking of Shangguan Wan'er, a strange look flashed in the eyes of all the women. Even though they were both stunning beauties, several of them were still weaker in front of Shangguan Wan'er. No matter what, Shangguan Wan'er seemed to be better than them. It's not just Shangguan Wan'er, but also the women of the Four Wonders.

"Because of Sister Wan'er? Could it be that Sister Wan'er is attracted to this kid, so she specially let him live in this size house?"

"No, I heard that Tang Ao used some disdainful means today to win 33 games in a row in Doujiantai, so Sister Wan'er gave Tang Ao the only qualification she had to stay in a Tianzi room."


In Room No. 9 of Tianzi, Tang Ao nodded slightly: "So, this Yunlu auction has a lot of good things." Tang Aocong was inquiring about the Yunlu auction with Hong Shang just now. Tang Ao originally wanted to ask Chu Yucheng, but Chu Yucheng didn't know where to go and went happily, and he hasn't seen anyone until now.

"It's more than a lot. The Yunlu auction will be held once a year, once every three years, once every five years, and once every nine years. Jiuweizun, this time the Yunlu auction is held once every nine years. It can be regarded as the top event in the entire ice and snow plain. In the past, there have even been 9-rank magic soldiers in such exclusive auctions, and there are more than one!" Tang Ao chose to let Hong Shang stay. That's correct. Hong Shang's understanding of Yunlufang City is clearly incomparable to Chu Yucheng.

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