Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 977: A sensation caused by a pill

From Tang Ao's room, Tang Ao took out the Shennongding. When he met Liu Rushi last time, Liu Ru returned the Shennong Ding that Tang Ao had left behind to Tang Ao. As a reward, Tang Ao wanted to do Liu Ru a favor as far as he could. As for what was busy, Liu Ru said that she hadn't figured it out yet, and she would tell Tang Ao when she thought it out.

Thinking of Liu Rushi, Tang Ao also missed this great beauty in his heart. At the same time, Tang Ao sighed that this ice and snow plain is really a good place for many beautiful people. The first Tang Ao met Chu Xuehan, later Liu Ruye, now Hong Shang, and Hanshuang tribe's Bai Surou, these are all outstanding. Disaster-level beauty. After thinking about it carefully, Tang Ao realized that he hadn't seen a long and unsightly woman in the ice and snow plain. It can be said that if a woman who can be seen on the ice plain is placed on the Xuanhuang Continent, it can be regarded as a stunning beauty.

After taking out the Shennong Ding, Tang Ao took out all the spiritual materials on his body again. Tang Ao was going to turn all these spiritual materials into pill. Three days later, at the Yunlu auction, Tang Ao naturally wanted to search. With Tang Ao's current worth, he obviously couldn't afford a few things.

Therefore, Tang Ao had to refine some pills and put them on auction. Not only the pill, but even the spiritual weapon Tang Ao had to refine some. After coming to the Ice and Snow Plains for so long, the spirit artifacts Tang Ao saw were generally of low grade, basically all of them were Grade 3 or 4 spirit artifacts. As for the magic weapon, Tang Ao didn't see anything.

When Tang Ao was refining the pill, he naturally did not expect that the Profound Pill of Life and Death he gave to Hong Shang had already caused quite a shock in the Yayuan Building. In the Tianxiang Louzhu, it was revealed that the medicine Tang Ao gave to Hongshang was the Empress of Life and Death. The women were shocked, and even several old men on the top of the Yayuan Bureau appeared.

One of the black-robed old men said: "Where is the best life and death profound pill?" The old man didn't talk nonsense, nor did he rude to the original poster. His identity was obviously not under the original Tianxiang poster, even higher than the original poster. And his strength is even more amazing, astonishingly a powerhouse of the sixth level of life and death. The old man did not rude to the Tianxiang host, but the Tianxiang host saluted the old man.

"Grandpa, this is the Profound Pill of Life and Death that Young Master Tang Ao gave to Sister Hongshang." Tianxiang's poster Su Yaxuan handed the jade bottle in his hand to the old man in black robe.

This black-robed old man is Su Yaxuan's grandfather. To the younger granddaughter, the old man is not as loving as he imagined, but extremely strict. And the old man also exudes a sense of oppression, which makes people feel a little depressed. "So amazing, so amazing!" After seeing Tang Ao's refining life and death profound pill queen, the old man couldn't help but praise again and again.

Su Yaxuan was a little surprised. From childhood to adulthood, his grandfather was invisible with joy and anger, and seldom praised people. Although the black robe old man praised the pill at the moment, the pill was refined by the alchemist, so the old man was naturally praising the alchemist who refined this profound pill of life and death.

"Even the old man Yaoheng, I am afraid that he can't refine this kind of pill." The black robe old man is a sixth-rank alchemist, but unlike Yaoheng, the black robe old man is more talented in martial arts. Time is studying martial arts. Although he and Yao Heng are both at the sixth level of life and death, in Su Zhuofan's words, Yao Heng can beat five of them.

In the Tianzi No. 9 room, a faint Danxiang came out. On the wooden table behind Tang Ao, rows of elixirs were neatly placed. These pills were all refined by Tang Ao during this time. With the help of Shennongding, Tang Ao's alchemy was extremely fast, so in such a short time, all the spirit grass on Tang Ao's body had been turned into a pill by him. .

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