Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 983: Barter

"I don't know what Lord Tang wants to buy when he comes to Hei Yafang City?" Yuer didn't ask much about Tang Ao's name. People who come to Hei Yafang City rarely come with their real identities. Even Yu'er herself just used the name Yu'er instead of her name. Therefore, Yuer certainly wouldn't ask much about Tang Ao's name.

"I want to buy some refining materials. I don't know what spiritual materials are there, and what is the price?"

Hearing that Tang Ao was here to buy spiritual materials, Yu'er's eyes flashed with surprise: "I have been here for a long time, and I have received many guests who came to Hei Yafang City, and Mr. Tang specially came to Hei Yafang City to buy. People who refine craft materials are really rare."

This time it was Tang Ao’s turn to be surprised. Hei Yafang City claims to have nothing for sale. He spent 10,000 snow beads running all the way, just to buy some refining materials. Could it be that Hei Yafang City has everything? Didn't sell refining materials? "Is it possible that no one in the shop sells refining materials?" Tang Ao asked the doubts in his heart.

"Yeah." Yu'er nodded obediently, and then said: "Whether it is a magic weapon in Fang City, the price is much cheaper than Yunlu Fang City, and the quality is also better than Yunlu. At least 30% of the major shops in Fang City. If Young Master Tang needs a spiritual weapon or a magic weapon, I can take Young Master to have a look."

"Actually, I am a craftsman, so I want to purchase some crafting materials above level 4 to refine spiritual weapons. Since there is no craftsmanship in Black Crow Square, I can buy something else." Tang Ao already wanted to leave after Fang City had no refining materials. However, thinking of what the Maid boy said not long ago, Tang Ao decided to buy 100,000 snow beads casually, and then left.

Tang Ao's current strength was restored to the fourth level of the Linghai Realm. In the Linghai Realm stage, Tang Ao was no longer afraid of any opponents. Even if he was lost, Tang Ao would definitely not be able to stop him from leaving. But in this Black Crow Square City, the spirit sea realm warriors are all running errands outside. The Deacon Wu Guang who spoke to Tang Ao and the others just now was a martial artist at the first level of life and death.

Moreover, he is not the owner of Black Raven Square, just a deacon. God knows how many martial artists of life and death are in Black Raven Square, and what level of strength the admiral has reached. What's more, Qianglong didn't suppress the snake. Since he came to someone else's territory, Tang Ao decided to act low-key.

After hearing that Tang Ao was a refiner, Yuer's eyes lit up: "So you are the refiner of Shenbing Valley? If so, you can get the refining materials."

"I am a refiner, but I am not the refiner of Shenbing Valley. Only the refiner of Shenbing Valley can buy refining materials here?" There seems to be no rules in the Black Crow Workshop, but secretly But there are quite a few weird rules. Tang Ao had already learned this not long ago, so now Tang Ao is not surprised.

"No, even the craftsman in Shenbing Valley can't buy crafting materials here. You can only exchange them for things. Since you are a craftsman, you can use your craftsmanship. The manufactured spirit tools are exchanged for spiritual materials. The higher the level of the spiritual tools, the more the number of spiritual materials exchanged, the higher the level. I don’t know who Tang Gongzi is a refiner?" Yu'er looked curiously Tang Ao, Tang Ao's age only seems to be slightly older than her, I don't know how many grades of refiner Tang Ao can become at this age.

Tang Ao didn't go back to Yu'er directly, but instead asked: "Yu'er, what level are the craftsmen who come here? What level of craftsman is the most powerful craftsman?"

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