Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 991: Cut through the iron plate

A sound of "click" came from Mo Wuji's hand, and then Mo Wuji looked at Tang Ao and Xue Ding with a smile. "The old man was lucky for a while, and he was one step ahead of the two little friends." After Mo Wuji said, he looked at the Luanjia of the owner of Mingyue Workshop: "Master of Mingyue, this old man is also rare in his life. How about some grace?" Jing didn't take the time for a cup of tea, but directly let the master of Mingyue give time.

"Yes, if you can open the three spirit locks, you still have to thank you, the more you open, the higher the reward." Although only Mo Wuji has opened a spirit lock so far, the owner of Mingyue Fang said indifferently. There was some excitement in it, obviously this kind of spiritual lock is of great significance.

The owner of Mingyue Fang didn't directly say what the reward was, but Mo Wuji was in ecstasy. The mood of the owner of Mingyue Fang is well known, but the owner of Mingyue is also well known to be generous. Although the owner of Mingyue Fang didn't say the reward, but Mo Wuji knew that as long as he could open more than three spirit locks, the reward he would get would be far beyond his imagination.

Watching the three of Tang Ao using different methods to crack these spirit locks, the people watching around were also discussing in a low voice.

"Sure enough, Jiang is still old and spicy. Although Xue Ding and these two boys seem to have some skills, they are still a bit worse than Master Mo."

"I think Xue Ding can probably open a spiritual lock. As for this or Tang Tian, ​​I am afraid that a lock can't be opened."

"Huh, Xue Ding must be able to open a lock. If Old Man Mo didn't spy on Xue Ding's unlocking process, how could he open the first lock first?" It was a gray-haired old man who heard what the old man said. Although there were different ideas, he did not speak against the old man. Because this gray-haired old man is not an unknown person, but the chief refiner of Black Crow Square, Fei Taixu.

"Patter!" Xue Ding finally heard the sound of heaven when Xue Ding's soul power was almost overdrawn. After Xue Ding refined 23 keys in succession, Xue Ding finally unlocked his first spiritual lock. After opening the spirit lock, Xue Ding glanced at Mo Wuji, who was looking at him with a ugly look, and then at Tang Ao who was pretending to be a ghost. After seeing that Tang Ao still hadn't opened the lock, or even started to refining the key, Xue Ding sneered, then took out a few pills and took it, and began to restore his spirit power.

"This Xue Ding deserves to be a true disciple of Li Tianjun. Although it is not as fast as Master Mo, he still unlocked a lock. As for Tang Tian, ​​it is estimated that he could not unlock the lock.

Below the stone platform, Yu'er couldn't help but feel a little anxious watching Tang Ao still draw strange lines on the iron plate. If Tang Ao can't crack the spirit lock, he can confess to the owner that although the owner will inevitably punish Tang Ao heavily, most of it will not hurt Tang Ao's life. However, if Tang Ao fooled the shop owner with mystery, and the shop owner was angry, Tang Ao would never have a chance to survive. Yuer wanted to send a voice message to remind Tang Ao, but Yuer looked at Mingyue Fang's Luanjia, and did not dare to do so.

Tang Ao's six senses are powerful. Although he could not investigate the surrounding situation, he still saw Yu'er with anxious faces in the crowd. Seeing Yu'er looking anxious, Tang Ao cast a relieved smile on Yu'er. Then Tang Ao continued to paint on the iron plate, and after a crisp sound, an iron plate in front of Tang Ao was cut through by Tang Ao. The people around couldn't help but laugh at this scene, and quieted down after the owner of Mingyue Workshop gave a cold snort. Regarding all this, Tang Aoxun didn't care, he still took out a new iron plate from the storage ring to fill the vacancy of the broken iron plate, and then continued to paint.

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