Eternal Immortal King

Chapter 996: Yuer's request

Tang Ao's words undoubtedly caused everyone to be astonished. They had been in Black Crow Square for so long, and it was the first time they saw someone dared to borrow something from the Master of Mingyue Square. It was also the first time I saw someone willing to live in the Life and Death Building. Although the Building of Life and Death is called the building, it is a prison in Black Crow Square. The Life and Death Building is located in the very center of Hei Ya Fang City and is divided into ten floors.

According to the different crimes, the prisoners were imprisoned on the first to the ninth floor. The tenth floor was the residence of the masters of Mingyuefang and Heiyafang. The Building of Life and Death was named the Building of Life and Death because once imprisoned in the Building of Life and Death, life and death would not be the masters. Therefore, anyone who has a little understanding of the Life and Death Tower will inevitably change the conversation when it comes to Life and Death Tower.

"What's your name?" Hearing Tang Ao's words, a strange color flashed in the eyes of the owner of Mingyue Fang.

"Tang Ao." Tang Ao didn't conceal this time. With the power of the master of Mingyue, I'm afraid he will be able to find out his identity soon.

"Okay, take Tang Ao to the ninth floor of the Life and Death Building, Mo Wuji to the first floor, and Xue Ding to the fifth floor." After the owner of Mingyue Fang said briefly, her Luanjia slowly floated up, and this Luanjia was impressive. It is a spiritual weapon of not low grade.

After the master of Mingyue Fang finished his orders, several stunning women also came to Tang Ao's side. Standing around Tang Ao were three young girls wearing brightly colored long skirts. The three of them were very beautiful. Although they were not all over the country, they were also charming. The only drawback is that the faces of the three beauties are extremely cold, filled with a cold breath that no strangers should enter.

Tang Ao put away the 41 iron plates just described, and then took out another bottle of medicine and threw it to Yu'er in the crowd. "Girl Yu'er, thank you for leading the way this time. My name is Tang Ao, and I have hidden my identity for some reason. This time I have gained a lot. If you have any trouble, you can go to the Life and Death Building to find me."

Tang Ao was still quite grateful to Yu'er, this time he really gained a lot. The forty-one inscription formations in the spirit lock are ancient inscription formations that Yun Xiaoyao has never touched, or high-level inscription formations. If Yuer hadn't brought him to the Refining Square, he would never have access to this degree of inscription formation. As for staying in the Life and Death Building, Tang Ao didn't care at all. Tang Ao possesses the teleportation jade talisman, and can crush the teleportation jade talisman to leave here at any time. Even if the jade talisman cannot be used, Tang Ao can hide in the Six-Mans Realm space.

Moreover, Tang Ao felt that the owner of Mingyue Workshop was not hostile to him. Although this woman was a little strange, she would not embarrass herself for no reason. Just when Tang Ao was about to follow the three stunning women to the Life and Death Tower, Yu'er suddenly ran over.

"Three sisters, let me go to the Life and Death Building with Young Master Tang." Yu'er looked at the three and pleaded.

The older woman in Xingyi said: "Yu'er, don't you know where the Life and Death Building is? You want to go to the Life and Death Building with him."

Of course Yu'er knew where the Life and Death Tower was and also knew the horror of Life and Death Tower, so she wanted to go in with Tang Ao and remind Tang Ao to pay attention. In Yu'er's view, the reason why Tang Ao was imprisoned in the Tower of Life and Death was because of her relationship. If it hadn't been for her bad relationship with Hu Mei, Xue Ding wouldn't have clashed because of Hu Mei and Tang Ao.

"I know, but I..."

The girl in Xingyi seemed to see Yu'er's thoughts, caressed Yu'er's head, and then said softly to Yu'er: "He went to the building of life and death, it was completely self-inflicted, and it has nothing to do with you. You don't have to worry about it. Come on. In addition, as long as he abides by the rules, we won't be embarrassed by him in the Life and Death Building." The woman in Xingyi glanced at Tang Ao, quite a bit of warning.

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