Eternal Life Game, My Life Is Strengthened!

Chapter 234 Brainwashing Conference

The sword hero walked into the inner hall.

At this time, the huge inner hall was already full of people.

As soon as he comes in.

Everyone looked up at him.

A sudden focus of attention.

Take the sword hero's breath away.

Uncontrollable heartbeat speeding up.

Accompanied by slight trembling of hands and feet.

He wasn't like this before, after he became a street rat.

Just have this symptom.

"Hey, isn't this the old sword! You're here too, come here, come here."

in the crowd.

A bald head appears.

The bald man stood up and waved to the sword hero.

The sword hero saw this bald man.

The tension in my heart relaxed.

He knew this person.

The brave man of the gun.

He is part of the same group of brave men who defeated the Demon King.

He is in charge of the West Demon King's Army.

"Why did you come to apply for the job?"

The sword hero came and sat down next to the gun hero.

Meet familiar people.

It gave him a little sense of security.

"What if I don't? Take some loose orders every day and set off salutes at other people's weddings. Moreover, it is an opportunity to kill the devil. You took away the opportunity last time. I won't give up easily this time!"

The Gun Hero punched the Sword Hero in the chest.

It's like a greeting between old friends.

"Hmph, you didn't snatch me away last time, I won't let you go this time!"

The sword hero said confidently.

As the two talked about how everyone has been in the past two years.

Many brave men came in later.

Some are brave men who became famous early in life.

Even if the sword hero meets.

I also want to call out senior.

Others are rising stars.

I grew up watching the Sword Hero.

Not for a while.

This hall was packed to the brim.

Although there are some voices of complaint here.

But none of these brave men made trouble.

Brave ones who can apply here.

The edges have long been smoothed off by life.

The high-spiritedness of the past is gone.

"Cough cough cough."

In front of the lobby.

Li Mumu walked up to all the brave men.

Cough twice.

Said in a voice guaranteed to be heard by all the heroes present.

"First of all, I would like to thank all the brave men for coming to apply. Secondly, congratulations to everyone for joining our big family of Defeat the Demon King Co., Ltd."

"Bah bang bang."

Scattered applause came.


Normal reaction.

These brave men are no longer the fledgling boys.

It cannot be mobilized with just one or two sentences.


Now let me give you some strong medicine.

"First of all, everyone must be concerned about our company's commitment! In order to reassure everyone, we have asked my chairman and general manager! Lord Demon King to come out and give us a few words!"

As Li Mumu's words fell.

The devil behind the scenes.

He walked up from the background tremblingly.




You are the devil, you can't be nervous!

You are the devil, you can't be nervous!

Aren't they just tens of thousands of brave men?

Wouldn't it be possible to just pick out two brave men and tear them into pieces?

Isn’t it true that most of them have killed themselves?

There is nothing to be afraid of!

Don't be afraid.

Princess Mumu is here.

Although the devil stepped forward like a puppet.

The entire hall fell into an eerie quiet atmosphere.

"Demon King?"

"The Demon King is the chairman?"

"Are we actually here to work for the Demon King?"

"I thought someone controlled the Demon King, so where is this company?"

"Devil, please die!!!!"

Some brave men who can't hold their breath.

Get ready to take action now.


With such a big demon king right in front of you, you would be a fool not to take action!

What should I do if someone else robs me?

You must know that there is only one devil!


The Demon King had tears in his eyes.

He looked at Li Mumu pitifully.

The meaning of asking for help is self-evident.

Facing tens of thousands of brave men at the same time.

This scene.

Even in her prime.

When sitting with an army of millions of demon kings.

I have never enjoyed this kind of treatment!


Li Mumu waved his hand.

All the brave men were suppressed in place.

Unable to move.

"You are so disrespectful to the chairman, but your performance points will be deducted."

Li Mumu smiled and looked at the brave men present.

"Ahem, hello brave men, I am your chairman and general manager, the Demon King."

The devil finished speaking.

Then he looked at Li Mumu pitifully.

"Ahem, everyone has seen it. The real Demon King is right in front of you. We guarantee it here! We will defeat the Demon King Co., Ltd., and every outstanding employee will have a chance to defeat the Demon King."

"Every month! We will select outstanding employees! They will get the opportunity to take a photo with the Demon King!"

"Every year! We will select an outstanding employee of the year! And he will get the opportunity to kill the devil with his own hands!"

Li Mumu finished speaking.

Look down.

no response?


Li Mumu released the suppression on the brave men.

The sword hero raised his hands tremblingly.

"Sword Hero Gray, right? What's your problem?"

Li Mumu looked at the brave man who raised his hand.

There is information about the brave men present.

He's seen it all.

Never forget.

It's just his basic passive.

"But we have tens of thousands of brave people here. We only select one outstanding employee every year. Isn't the chance too slim?"

Question from the Sword Hero.

It resonated with the brave men present.


There are so many brave men here.


A chance to defeat the devil.

Only once a year.

When will it be their turn.

"Very good! Your question is on point! I believe everyone here must be very concerned about this issue!"

"We hit the Demon King Co., Ltd. to make the second guarantee here! Everyone! Attention! It's everyone!"

“Employees who have worked in our company for more than ten years!”

"Everyone will get a chance to defeat the Demon King! Everyone!!!"

Li Mumu finished speaking.

Close your eyes.

Think silently in your heart.

bring it on.

Let the cheers come louder!

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