Eternal Life Game, My Life Is Strengthened!

Chapter 25 Golden Wood Society


Li Mumu was instantly transformed by this cute lolita.

"What's wrong with you!"

Bailiqing picked up the scabbard and struck the furry bear on the head.

Little Loli heard the voices of several people and opened her eyes in confusion.

The big round eyes seemed to be awake, and the upper and lower eyelids were still a little sticky.

He stretched out his little meat ball-like paws to rub his eyes.

This time I finally woke up.

"Who has teeth among the four mud gates?"

The little loli's big, watery eyes blinked.

Seeing Li Mumu and several strangers, he didn't look timid at all.

"I am a member of the Golden Wood Society, and I have been ordered to rescue you two brothers and sisters."

Beishu stood aside and spoke abruptly.

Also take out a token.

It has the words "gold and wood" written on it.



Li Mumu and Baili Qing had some doubts, but not much.

Beishu put away the token and explained.

"Our Golden Wood Society is an organization dedicated to making the world a better place. Through investigation, we learned that this medical family will sacrifice a pair of boys and girls every 20 years, and these two brothers, Shazam and Wisha, are This time the sacrificer.”

It seems to be said to little Shazam.

At the same time, he explained to Li Mumu and Baili Qing.

"Brother Bei is really of noble character."

Li Mumu said that he admires these people who strive for lofty goals the most.

Unlike him, he just cares about himself.

I am really a sewer rat with vulgar tastes.

But just don’t change it.

"I really want to pry open your head and see what you are thinking about every day. You are being used by others and you still praise others!"

Bailiqing supports the forehead.

It should be said that he is indeed Li Mumu.

"Don't you dare say you're not curious about what's in this!"

Li Mumu was unhappy when he heard this!

What does it mean to be taken advantage of?

Obviously everyone is curious about it.

Beshu had his purpose, and we also fulfilled our purpose of eating melon.

How can it be said to be taking advantage of it?

This is obviously mutual benefit.

"We don't need anyone else to rescue us."

A child's voice sounded as plain as a pool of stagnant water.

It turned out to be the boy on the side.

That is, Shazam’s real brother.

Wusha woke up.

The little boy looked indifferent.

His expression was serious, like a dying 100-year-old man.

The three of them couldn't see any emotion on his face.

"elder brother!"

When Shazam saw his brother waking up, he happily threw himself on Wisha.

He hugged his brother, rubbing here and there.

Wu Sha looked at his sister's intimate actions, and a rare look of tenderness appeared on his face.

"Don't worry, our Jinmu Club is fully prepared this time and will definitely take you two brothers and sisters away safely."

Beishu listened to Wusha saying that he did not need their rescue.

I thought it was because I was worried that they didn't have the ability.

Then he spoke with emphasis.

"No, you misunderstood. It's not that I don't believe in your strength."

The little boy Wusa touched little Shazam's head and showed a smile.

Continue to speak.

"No one forced us, brother and sister, to make this sacrifice. It was all of our own free will."

"But why!"

Beishu's eyes were slightly red.

Said in disbelief.

"Uncle and aunt are so kind to us. Little Shazam is willing to sacrifice himself to make the family better."

The little lolita Shazam said timidly, and then reached out for her brother to hug her.

Wusa picked up Shazam and continued.

"As a member of the family, the family supports us and allows us to enjoy all the glory and wealth we can enjoy. I have enjoyed its benefits and I must also shoulder this responsibility when the family needs us."

Wusa said this with firm eyes like a little adult.

The tone was calm, without any reluctance, anger or other emotions mixed in it.

"Damn, you have such a correct outlook on life!"

Li Mumu felt a little impressed when he heard this.

Is this a tutor from a big family?

Although it has nothing to do with myself.

But I have to say that this guy is really responsible.

A bit surprising.

"But, what about your sister? She is so young. Does she understand what sacrifice means?"

Beishu was still unwilling and wanted to persuade the brother and sister.

After all, although they are members of the Golden Wood Society, they are committed to making the world a better place.

But there is a bigger premise.

Do not interfere with your wishes.

If they commit themselves to death.

They won't interfere either.

"I know, I will fall asleep forever and ever."

Shazam answered Beshu's question cutely.

"You... aren't you scared?"

"As long as my brother is here, Shazam is not afraid."

Little Shazam said while still hugging Wu Sha's neck tightly, and rubbed his little face against his brother's face.

"By the way, what is the purpose of this sacrifice that you have been talking about for a long time?"

Li Mumu asked.

If it is a completely modern society ruled by law.

Li Mumu must have rushed out long ago and kicked over the idiots who presided over the sacrifice.

What age are we, and we still practice feudal superstition?


But in this eternal game.

Sacrifice is not necessarily a useless thing.

"The Lord of the Bone Forest, Lady Bones."

Beishu pondered for a moment and gave the answer.

"Shouldn't that thing be in the Bone Cave?"

Li Mumu's painting style continues to go astray.

"That's right, Mrs. Bones has an agreement with our family. By offering a boy and a girl every 20 years, we can guarantee the family's supply of all medicinal materials."

Wusha nodded to confirm the answer given by Beishu.

"Oh~, it turns out it's for the supplier."

Li Mumu suddenly realized that this sacrifice was indeed necessary.

No matter who you offend, you can't offend the source supplier, otherwise it would be normal for the entire family to die together.

"Since there are only a bunch of boys and girls, what about the magic circle outside that restricts resurrection?"

Baili Qing spoke.

Since there are both boys and girls.

Then what's the use of deceiving such a group of players?

"Because players have only arrived in the past three years, and there were no broiler resources before."

Beshu explained.

The game of immortality has arrived in these three years.

Not only does it have a huge impact on players.

The same is true for aboriginal NPCs.

For example, the so-called broiler resources.

It is a resource for players and evil cultivators.

for Aboriginal people.

The same is true.

"Well, this was also added suddenly during this sacrifice."

Wu Sha nodded and did not deny it.

All this really comes from their family.

"But they have been let go by us."

"It doesn't matter, the most important thing is us brothers and sisters."

Wu Sha was neither happy nor sad about the chickens outside being let go.

"What should we do? Can you save me?"

Li Mumu looked at Bei Shu.

"Of course we need to save him!"

Beishu said firmly.

"Ah? Isn't this their own choice?"

Li Mumu was confused.

For him.

He respects other people's choices.

"Well! Sacrifice is their own wish, but being killed by the King of Knights is not. So they must be saved!"

Beshu explained.

"Huh? Want to save them both? It's going to be very difficult for me."

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