Eternal Life Game, My Life Is Strengthened!

Chapter 34 Nine-Story Waist Tower

The first floor in the world!

A famous restaurant in the city where Li Mumu lives.

In the past, Li Xiaoqian often hinted, overtly or covertly, that Li Mumu wanted to spend money.

But one meal might kill Li Mumu.

Even if I lick the dog again, there is no way to finish it.

Of course, Li Mumu wanted to spend money, not because he wanted to be luxurious.

But I want to complete a challenge!

"The nine-story waist tower challenge!"

The first floor in the world, a challenge launched half a year ago.

This legendary nine-story demon tower.

Use lamb kidneys, beef kidneys, deer kidneys, pork kidneys, chicken kidneys, duck kidneys, donkey kidneys, horse kidneys and rabbit kidneys.

A famous mixed dish!

As long as the challenge is successful!

Take no penny.

Challenge failed.

Pay original price.

10 years lifespan!

The first floor in the world!

A ball of tumbleweeds rolled past the door.

"Click, click."

Li Mumu walked to the gate with steady steps.

Push the door open and enter.

The chilling aura he carries.

Let the busboys, cashiers, waiters and others in the building quietly look at Li Mumu in their own way.


"I want to challenge the nine-story waist tower!"

Li Mumu's words were resounding.




A moment!

All the eyes in the First Floor of the World were now focused on Li Mumu.

"I thought no one would challenge this nine-story waist tower again."

On the side, the uncle who was cleaning looked at Li Mumu with moist eyes.

Unexpectedly, he would see someone challenge this dish again in his lifetime.

"Oh my God, I, Zhao Ritian, was wrong sometimes. I didn't expect this gentleman to be so courageous. I, Zhao, am ashamed of myself!"

A gorgeously dressed man in the hall heard that Li Mumu actually dared to challenge this nine-story waist tower!

It’s true that people cannot be judged by appearance, and sea water cannot be measured!

"Warrior! A role model for us!"

“I never thought that one day I would see this dish resurface!”

"The market is open, the market is open! If you succeed in the challenge, you will lose 100, if you fail, you will lose 0.5, if you give up in one minute, you will lose 1..."

As Li Mumu expressed his intention.

The customers dining on the first floor in the world were instantly excited.

Some people even started selling on the spot.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a big belly walked out of the kitchen.

I saw him, wearing a chef's uniform, and everyone around him treated him respectfully.

Li Mumu didn't know who the visitor was at this time.

He is the chef of the best building in the world and the inventor of the nine-story waist tower!

He Dazhu!

It is rumored.

This person's ancestor was a royal chef in the palace.

But the real royal chef is also the inheritor of the Manchu-Han banquet.

He Dazhu looked at Li Mumu with his narrowed eyes.

"You are the one who wants to challenge the nine-story waist tower?"

"That's right!"

Li Mumu nodded in affirmation.

"Hahaha! Since ancient times, heroes have emerged from youth! Young man, be courageous! Regardless of whether you succeed in the challenge or not, I, He Dazhu, will be your friend!"

He Dazhu squinted his eyes, approached Li Mumu, and burst into laughter. His whole body became mellow because of his cheerful smile.

"You guys who like wine and tea, arrange it for this boss. This time I will cook it myself!"

Hearing He Dazhu's arrangement, everyone exclaimed again!


Today I can actually see the chef cooking in person.

I am truly blessed for three lifetimes, and this trip is well worth it.

Many people sighed.

As the top chef in the world, He Dazhu actually doesn't need to cook in person most of the time.

All he needs to do is develop new dishes and control and coordinate everything in the kitchen. There is no need for him to do it himself.

But today is different.

This nine-story waist tower.

It is the work of He Dazhu, who worked hard and painstakingly.

Unfortunately, the shine of this dish was short-lived.

It just caused a sensation when it was first designed, and no one cared about it since.

This kind of thing is difficult for any chef to accept.

That's why He Dazhu wanted to cook in person today.

On the one hand, it is the emphasis on one’s own dishes.

On the one hand, it is the emphasis on close friends.

That's right.

Although I only said two short sentences.

Just glanced at it from a distance.

He Dazhu was very sure.

Li Mumu is his soulmate!

Only he understands himself.

He Dazhu prepared the ingredients in the kitchen.

All the apprentices looked at him nervously, and there were not many opportunities to watch the chef take action.

Must be grasped.

Even if it's just a little bit leaking out from between his fingers.

It is enough for people like them to use it for a lifetime.

Prepare ingredients.

There are no fancy show-offs.

Only one knife at a time, carefully cutting the ingredients.

Then put them in boiling water to cook.

The reason why this nine-story waist tower can be called a tower.

The secret is in the aspic!

He Dazhu put the pig skins in the boiling water one after another.

It is also the reason why the aspic is formed.

Then add the matsutake, Zuoyang, and epimedium.

These materials can maximize the flavor of the ingredients in various kidneys.

Then just put these things into the mold.

Just wait for it to take shape.

Li Mumu's nose twitched slightly.

He could already smell the scent of the nine-story waist tower.

One word.


Nonsense, how can I not be saucy?

Boil nine kinds of kidneys together.

That's not just one plus one.




The sounds of passing dishes came one by one from the back kitchen.

Everyone was excited.

At the same time, they all pinched their noses and frowned at the portion of aspic served in a pagoda that Chef He brought out.

In other words, a nine-story waist tower!

"Then the timer starts now!"

After the nine-story waist tower was served, He Dazhu kept staring at Li Mumu with his eyes burning.

Next to him, a man dressed as a referee sounded a gong.

Indicates the start of the game.

Li Mumu picked up the chopsticks.

I didn’t start gobbling it up in a hurry.

Just use a knife to slowly cut off a small piece of aspic from the top of the tower.


Li Mumu put the piece of meat jelly under the tip of the pen and smelled it gently. The nine kinds of kidneys were mixed together.

Unique fishy smell.

He Dazhu looked at Li Mumu's elegant dining appearance.

Covering her mouth, tears welled up in her eyes.

This man understands me!

He Dazhu's heart trembled. People in the past would eat these nine-story waist towers one by one to complete the challenge.

What you eat is called gobbling it up.

Instead, the most important thing about dining is neglected, which is enjoyment.

Only this man, unhurried and really enjoying this delicacy.

After Li Mumu finished eating a small piece of aspic on the top of the tower.

Wipe your mouth slowly.

Then stood up.

Leave ten years of life.

He looked at He Dazhu meaningfully.

"Culinary skills still need to be improved."


Get out of the first floor in the world.

He Dazhu burst into tears.

My friend, you are the only one who understands me.

This nine-story waist tower is indeed not in its final form yet.

You can rest assured that I, He Dazhu, will definitely perfect this dish for the rest of my life.

When the time comes, you must come and eat.

Looking at Li Mumu's leaving figure, regardless of whether he could see it or not, He Dazhu waved goodbye.

at this time.

Li Mumu sat at a roadside stall.

A bowl of beef noodles with garlic!

What Li Mumu ate was a feast.

As expected, a legendary dish like the Nine-Story Waist Pagoda is not something he can try.

If he hadn't run so fast, he would have vomited on the top floor of the world. .

"The garlic noodles are great."

Li Mumu returned to the apartment with a heavy belly.

Lying in bed and watching short videos.

[The King of Knights was arrested in Mobei City! The reason turned out to be just him! 】

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