The aftermath killed wild monsters.

Li Mumu's imperial armor level was instantly raised to level 15.

His physical fitness increased by another 750,000.

But for his current body of 600 million.

It's drizzling, sprinkle some water.

"This one punch in Mobei City will not wipe the entire city off the map!"

Li Mumu looked at his masterpiece and thought thoughtfully.

At this time, the Dry Skeleton Forest still looked like a forest.

A meteorite fell across the entire basin, creating a super invincible basin!

"Mrs. Bones, you finally can't hold on any longer, hahahaha"

A roar that penetrated heaven and earth reached Li Mumu's ears.

At the same time, a world announcement came into view for all online players.

[Warning, the seal of the Dry Bone Forest has been destroyed, and the world boss Skeleton King is born! ! 】

[Warning, the seal of the Dry Bone Forest has been destroyed, and the world boss Skeleton King is born! ! 】

[Warning, the seal of the Dry Bone Forest has been destroyed, and the world boss Skeleton King is born! ! 】

Three times in a row.

The dazzling red font looked like blood was spilling out.

"Damn it, the world boss finally appears again!"

"Go and find out where the Bone Forest is!"

"Hoo ho ho, today is the chance for my flamingo to fly into the sky!"

"Quick, quick, gather the troops and go defeat the world boss!"

With the announcement.

Players all over the world were instantly excited.

What does world boss mean?

The birth of a new strong man.

In the eternal world, all equipment.

No matter how good its attributes are, it is just an ordinary piece of equipment.

It is different from ordinary equipment.

It's legendary equipment.

There is only one way to produce this type of equipment.

Kill the world boss.

Legendary equipment is unique and can grow.

and scarcity.

Since the birth of the game of immortality.

There are currently only 21 world bosses killed.

Counting the Skeleton King just now, there are 22 in total.

And what about the players of the immortality game?

It has now exceeded 10 billion.

There are 10 billion players, and there are only 21 pieces of legendary equipment.

Basically everything is in the hands of a single professional player.

And the boss in this world is not someone you can kill just because you want to.

The monsters in the immortal game do not mean that they will be refreshed after killing them.

Each boss has its own uniqueness.

At this moment, there is news about the appearance of a new world boss.

Like a bomb.

Everyone started running around telling each other.

Those who have a guild quickly contact the union staff to get online.

Various practitioners in offline forums and short video platforms who relied on traffic also quickly got to work.

【Shock! The 22nd world boss of the Immortal Game has arrived. 】

[Who will win the World Boss title this time? I think it will be him! 】

[The Ambition Guild speaks, their guild cracked the seal of the world boss this time! 】

【Sure! The world boss refresh point is in Xuanwu Kingdom, and the only professional player in Hua Kingdom has gone to defeat it】

[It’s hard to imagine who could actually make the Suzaku Envoy and the White Tiger Envoy join forces to attack! 】

[The Great Cold Kingdom claims that the Skeleton King belongs to them! 】

[The representative of Sakura Country spoke. This diplomatic mission happened to pass through the Bone Forest and could assist Xuanwu Country in defeating the world boss]

[Beautiful Country: Chinese players have no ability to defeat the world boss, they are willing to send God King Zeus to defeat it]



A base conference room.

"Hey, no matter what, it's my turn this time, right?"

An empty conference room.

Only a huge oval-shaped conference table was placed.

In front of each position, a number sign is placed to show distinction.

From 1 to 13.

There are 13 positions in total.

More than half of the seats were unoccupied at this time.

The speaker was the man sitting in position 11.

"Hmph, it's your turn? Where did you get your confidence?"

No. 11 just finished speaking.

I heard the woman codenamed 10 mockingly disdainfully.

"Fuck! I've been unhappy with you for a long time! What do you mean, let's do it once if we can!"

The man codenamed 11 exploded when he heard this.

He stood up, pointed at No. 10, and punched the table, causing splinters of wood to fly out in all directions.

"Okay, stop arguing. You two are at each other's throats as soon as you meet. Can you have a sense of collective honor?"

A dry, hoarse male voice came from No. 5.

Want to stop the situation from getting worse.

Code number 11, looked at position No. 5, and gritted his teeth.

Finally sat down.

"Huh, then I'll give you some face."

"I don't think you dare?"


"That's enough, shut up."

The old man in position 5 sighed.

"This time the world boss is refreshed without any warning. The time is urgent. The nearest four elephant envoys have been arranged to handle it."

"Then why did you ask us to come to the meeting?"

When man No. 11 heard this, he immediately became unhappy.

He hurriedly called himself back for a meeting, thinking that the organization had decided to arrange for him to kill the boss this time.

As soon as I came up, I was told that someone had already arranged it.

Who would be happy with this!

"I called you two here for another matter."


When Man No. 11 heard this, he immediately felt that he had to do chores again, and he lay down on the conference table with a look of disdain.

Woman No. 10 smiled softly.

"Mr. Long, please make arrangements. I will keep an eye on this little pup for you."

"Hey! Tell me about the puppy!"

"Whoever talks to whom."

"Hen mother-in-law!"

No. 11 beeped quietly.

As soon as these words fell.

No. 11 immediately covered his mouth.

Oops, I said the wrong thing!

The temperature in the air dropped sharply.

With his keen perception, No. 11 instinctively squatted down with his head in his hands.

"Do, do, do"

Where No. 11 was standing just now, the wall behind him was already covered with feathers.

Immediately, the wall stuck in the feathers began to melt.

No. 11 was squatting on the ground, shivering and looking at the melting wall.


If I squat a little later.

Even if you don’t die, you will lose a layer of skin!

He quietly looked up and was greeted by No. 10's eyes, which looked like a dead fish.

"Pheasant, that's it."

"Hmph, who told a certain virgin to be a bitch?"

"It's a cud dog, not a virgin dog! You should understand clearly!"


Mr. Long, who was sitting in position five, held his forehead.

Sure enough, the idiom "the chicken is flying and the dog is jumping" is not false.

Mr. Long patted the table.

"Many guard bosses have disappeared mysteriously near Mobei City recently. The organization decided to send you to investigate."

"Mobei City? Is this the place where the Sakura Kingdom delegation is going to visit?"

Chu Gou frowned and tried hard to mobilize his brain capacity, which was not rich.

"Could it be that the organization suspects that this matter is related to the Sakura Mission?"

Pheasant thought after hearing the words. It was obviously a question, but he said it in a statement tone.

"It's very possible, otherwise there wouldn't be a need for you to investigate."

"I understand, let's go, little virgin~"

"It's a stupid dog! A stupid dog!"

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