Eternal Life Game, My Life Is Strengthened!

Chapter 91 Legendary Equipment [Gaia Mastermind]

"How is your daughter~?"

Yuan She said with a charming look.

"Phew, I was scared to death. Uncle, please don't gasp when you speak!"

Li Mumu felt relieved.

He was really afraid that this strange uncle would say something, what do you think of me?


"Hey! You pervert, what are you talking about! Believe it or not, I will kill you? Don't think that I won't beat you because we are related by blood!"

Murong Xi became angry and said in anger.

At the same time, the energy in the hands gathers.

It seems like it's not just talk.

"Oh, oh, my lovely daughter really doesn't tolerate teasing~"

Yuan Snake left Li Mumu's side nonchalantly.

"You said that you are 26 in reality, 28 in reality, and 29 in reality. You will soon be a 30-year-old leftover girl. As a father, can I not worry about it?"

Yuan She showed her heartache.

Very much like a mother who is worried about her daughter’s marriage.

"Hmph, please stay out of my business. Don't pay attention to him either. He is a lunatic."

"Hahaha, uncle is quite cute."

Li Mumu responded.

Sorry, the vocabulary is too small!

I can't handle this topic, not at all.

"Master, I brought 20 weapons this time. Take a look."

Murong Xi ignored her psychotic father and took out the equipment that the country had arranged for her to strengthen this time.

Li Mumu took it and took a look.

"Oh, the country is still hiding its secrets!"

He couldn't see these 20 pieces of equipment at the auction house.

The lowest basic attributes start at 100,000.

For example, this [Heaven-turning Halberd]

Strength is increased by 150,000, and physical strength is increased by 200,000.

It also comes with an amazing special effect.

When this weapon is equipped, the attack power of attacks from top to bottom is doubled.

And there is a 50% probability of causing knockdown.

Pretty good.

The auction house can't see equipment worth 100,000 attributes at all.

One is that not everyone can get this level of equipment.

The other is that the auction time in the auction house is too short, so who can afford this kind of equipment?

Basically, they will contact each other privately and negotiate the price to complete the transaction.

"Will all these equipment be strengthened once?"

Li Mumu scanned the equipment and asked Murong Xi.

"All strengthened twice."

"Big list."

Li Mumu's eyes lit up.

After this set of enhancements is completed, it will have a life span of more than 20 million years.

At that time, directly face the Lord of Nature for the eighth strengthening!

I feel like I'm invincible again.

"Master, this is my personal equipment."

Murong Xi took out a spherical object.

It is true that he is here to represent the country this time.

So the things we started to take out were all commissioned by the state.

You can enjoy the 50% discount that Li Mumu said.

But this thing is her own, and Murong Xi is very open to these things.

I will never rely on public rights and interests for personal gain.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"The state's handling fee is 50% off. Mine is mine and I will follow the rules."

"Oh, you are principled, I like it! I will give you a 50% discount on your handling fee."

Li Mumu admired it.

It’s never about earning fees anyway.

And I have the final say on my territory. I appreciate you, so I will give you a discount!

"Really! Thank you, God."

Murong Xi handed the spherical equipment to Li Mumu.

She used to support herself by delivering food.

So she knows that every life she earns is not easy, and she is also a very frugal person.

She, Murong Xi, remembered Dashen Li’s favor!

Li Mumu took over Murong Xi's equipment.

Checked the properties.


So he wants to take it for himself!

What is an artifact!

This is what he calls an artifact!

Legendary Equipment [Gaia Mastermind]

Equipment requirements: Have scientific side equipment.

Equipment effect: Four-dimensional attributes increased by 100%

[Machine God]: Before the destruction of the last century, mankind's most powerful computer brain could invade and operate any machinery, and could increase the combat effectiveness of scientific equipment by 500%.

[Prejudgment]: As the most powerful computer brain of the last century, Gaia has unparalleled computing power and can easily predict enemy actions through the environment and micro-movements.

[Automatic recharging]: The last swan song of mankind in the last century on the scientific side, it was set from the beginning to make it stable for more than a million years. All energy attacks, if they directly attack the main brain body, will be converted into energy.

"Don't be afraid, I will take it as your own. You trust me too much."

Li Mumu looked at this piece of equipment.

My eyes are so hot.

"No, I used the Gaia Mastermind to calculate your behavioral logic before handing it over to you."

Murong Xi said calmly.

It seemed that he was really relieved to hand over the mastermind of Gaia to Li Mumu.

"Hey, that's interesting, what's my behavioral logic?"

Li Mumu became interested.

As we all know, the human species is always curious about how we appear to others.

“A decently behaved musician.”

Murong Xi looked embarrassed.

Because this sentence was not what she said.

"Hey!!! Zulong what are you doing!!!!!"

"Master, with all due respect, the computing power of this Gaia master brain is less than one ten millionth of mine. Master, don't be jealous."

Zu Long spoke as if to express his dissatisfaction.

Are you still not satisfied with a computer like me that uses 93 stars as energy source???


"Oh! You are so unconvinced! Don't you think about how many times you have been strengthened! This is what other people's initial states look like!"

Li Mumu pushed back unconvinced!

You rubbish 9527 Thousand Machine Snake!!!!

Bargain for only a thousand years!!!

"Ahem, Master, how long does it take to strengthen the Gaia Master Brain?"

"10 million years, handling fee 500,000 years."

Li Mumu didn't make random quotes.

Based on the only career analysis currently on the market.

The normal only professions fluctuate around level 1000. Some perverted ones, such as the crime king, do not require killing monsters to upgrade.

The level will be much higher.

But Murong Xi should be around level 1000.

His four-dimensional attributes were increased by 100%, which would be enough to earn him 10 million.

"Okay, I'm sorry to bother you, Master."

Murong Xi felt relieved.


The price is affordable.

And once her equipment is strengthened, it will improve her.

It's not as slightly improved as other weapons.

This [Gaia Mastermind] was not equipped by her, but directly equipped with her talent.

On top of the aerial battleship.

For her, the improvement of air and space battleships is the improvement of all combat power.

"Is it only strengthened once?"

"I will collect a life span of 100 million years as soon as possible and come to you, the Great God."

Murong Xi directly transferred 10.5 million years of life to Li Mumu.

She knew Li Mumu's rules. Subsequent enhancements of the same piece of equipment would increase the price tenfold.


Li Mumu reluctantly agreed.

Unexpectedly, one of the Four Elephant Envoys was Murong Xi, the Sky King.

You can't spend so much life in one go.

"Come out to work! Desire Abyss!"

Following Li Mumu’s call.

"Master~Master~Master~Master, prprprprpr, I miss you so much, Master, we haven't seen each other for 20 minutes. One day is like three autumns. It's like I haven't seen you for several days, Master, wuwuwu, I miss me so much, Master."

As soon as the abyss of desire comes out, I can't stop talking.

This made Li Mumu look embarrassed.

It used to be possible to physically silence the sound.

This was the first time his new posture was seen by outsiders.

Well, elves are not considered outsiders, they are all daughters.

"Master, has your talent been sublimated?"

Murong Xi's eyes lit up when she saw the abyss of desire.

There was a bit of joy in his tone.

If the talent has evolved, wouldn't the strengthening effect be the same?

"Ahem, that's a joke. Stop licking the abyss of desire! Come over and get to work!"

Li Mumu hates that iron cannot make steel.

Can he save some face for himself in front of outsiders?

"My most respectful master~, as you wish~"

Li Mumu stuffed the Gaia mastermind in his hand into the flat face of Desire Abyss~

But I saw the expression of enjoyment on the face of Desire Abyss.

He pulled out his hand in disgust.

The next moment, the strengthened Gaia mastermind.

It was spat out by the abyss of desire.

"Live up to your trust~my most beloved master~"

Gaia at this moment has completely changed.

Li Mumu clicked on the properties to view.

I really want it!!!!

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