Eternal Log

Episode 169: Events in Pope Lars, Part 32

Looking back, there was a middle-aged uncle in a white robe.

He's probably a follower of Lars because he's a white robe... with a gold necklace on his neck and jewels and brilliant decorations on his fingers.

This outfit doesn't seem like a follower of Lars' Grand Main Mountain.

"Nothing, Bishop Abram (...)"


Is this man the bishop?

I can't believe someone dressed like this is a bishop......


"Really? But you can't care less about letting outsiders in on your own when you're a witch. Because it's the main mountain of Lars. And if anything happens to the witch, I won't worry about being the next archbishop."

That's what Bishop Abram says, niggling.

Is this still the guy Lulu said he was after his life?

"... I apologize for taking the liberty. But these guys are fine. I am blessed with the Spirit of Light."

Lulu sees us.

Bishop Abram glanced at us along with it.

"... I see. One, it seems special, but you are the rumored dragon killer. Well, that's good. Anyway, don't cause any problems."

Bishop Abram left us and walked out and walked away when he unleashed those words.

We watched the back of it until we were blind.

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