Eternal Log

Episode 266: Dungeon Challenge Pt. 2 Part 45

No one had a problem getting out of the dungeon, and we headed towards the light to get out of the entrance where we came in. Of course, it was near the entrance to the dungeon, and I was able to go outside without meeting any traps or demons.

And when I left the dungeon, I told the gatekeeper that I had swept away the skeletons.

"That's right, Dragon Killer"

And he was squealing. And I didn't miss my ear for that. I didn't think they'd call me that here, but well thought out, it's within Earth Heights, and it's natural to know my identity from the looks of it.

I was worried that I would get more new names for doing the skeletons this time, but I don't think I would have to worry about that because I fought with this member.

"Then you say goodbye to Mr. Bian here."

"Right. It was a short time, but it was fun."

"It was fun to meet you. In many ways."

"Hey!? What do you mean by that?

Mr. Bian responds to my words and pokes at me. Everyone laughed at the sight. Mr. Bian's position has also changed compared to the first one.

"What's Bian going to do now?

"Hmm, I'll just go back to the village, redeem some demon stones and materials, and bring some back to the research."

"With that said, where does Mr. Bian live?

"What? Oh, didn't I tell you? Isteria, the magical city."

"That magic city."

"Are you famous?

"Oh, with that said, Hal was out of common sense. When it comes to the magical city of Isteria, it is the sanctuary to which the wizard yearns. The court magician of Earthheit is also almost from the school of the magical city of Ishtheria. There's a lot of scholarship going on there."

Mm, it's been a long time since I've been treated out of common sense.

But I can't say anything because I didn't know the facts. And is Mr. Bian a researcher in such an amazing place? That means Mr. Bian is a really great guy.

"... boy, did you think of anything rude right now?

"Yes, no! Nothing!!

Are you even going to read your mind to Mr. Bian!?

"Well fine. Then I don't like it when it's late, and it's time to go. Visit me in Istria if you have any problems. I think I'll pass it on when I say Bian, the researcher. Bye!

When Mr. Bian said so, he circled around and walked away waving.

Is he still an amazing person to say Bian makes sense? Or a stranger?... Let's not think too much about it.

And you were my pace to the end.

Then we'll go too.

"Right!...... hmm?

My phone rang when I thought about going back to Adorno Workshop using magic.

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