Eternal Log

Episode 275: Ground Height Offensive Warfare, Part 7

The magic I unleashed was Holy Cannon. This is the magic the village used when it was attacked by a dragon. That time it was to the point of wounding the dragon opponent.

But now that I remember magic manipulation and am accustomed to handling magic, I concentrate my output and increase my power more than I used to.

I thought I'd turn it into a rock shell (Stone Barrett), but to do damage to the dragon you have to make it bigger. Then later the problem arises of saying we have to do something about that rock.

Plus, Dragon opponent, I don't know how far a physical attack will work before that hard scale. The magic will be the same, but the fact that you did some damage to the previous dragon means that when it comes to magic, you are likely to be able to do damage if you gain power.

At the end of that time, I went to Awaken Munchkin even more with the knowledge of the Eternal Log, because the magic manipulation gathered magic in the sword, and the dragon slashed me to make a stop.

So I guess high magic can damage dragons.

"What do you say?

I see the magic I unleash hit the dragon. The moment my magic hit me, a roar rang in the distance. However, the figure of the dragon has not disappeared from the spot. Seemed a little good though.

The two dragons look like they stopped moving.

And in the meantime, the dragon that's heading this way has grown bigger.

"Is that...?

Roy shrugged next to me.

And when I checked the end of that gaze, I saw something shadowy on the dragon.

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