Eternal Log

Episode 319: The Past of the Rat

"Brother? Got him playing...?

I hear the words out of the latte back.

Claude...... is that the guy's name? And the fact that they were playing with you when the lat was little, and you're calling me brother, is that a brother?

But why demonize...?

"Oh... no, I'm not a real brother. When I was a little girl, my parents were attacked by demons and died... and the adventurers who happened to be there helped me into an orphanage in the Kingdom of Saraj.

And that's when I met Brother Claude. "

I didn't know that guy and Rat had such a relationship...

Roy and Will also have a slightly surprising look.

"I was just a little girl, and when I got out of town, I was bullied by a child because I had no parents and different hair colors. That's why I grew up in the city. That's when I found a boy in luxury clothes and I put on a little bit, but I lost the other way around.

That was Brother Claude.

Brother Claude was strong and I couldn't stand my teeth.

But Brother Claude spoke to me after he beat me.

'If that's all you have, use it for everyone'.

And on Brother Claude's recommendation, I came to take care of Brother Claude's house, the Alfonso family, to adopt Mr. Adorno.

Since then, I've admired Brother Claude like a brother. And Brother Claude loved me as much as my brother. "

Did that happen?

From what I've heard about Rat, that guy's not going to dye his heart in the dark...

Karzal says he can't keep himself without giving his heart to the Spirit of Darkness himself.

"Did that happen... but Rat, a guy named Claude is a self-righteous demon. The story I find out is that you have to give your heart to the Dark Spirit yourself to keep yourself in demonization. As far as I can tell right now, a guy named Claude doesn't seem to give his heart to the Spirit of Darkness himself, but is something wrong?

Lat looks down with a sad look on my words. And I looked up a little bit.

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