Eternal Log

Episode 339: What Happened at the Spiritual Peak Folkrest, Part 4

We just keep walking towards the top of the Spiritual Peak Folkrest.

How long would you have walked?

Looks like he went into the clouds. It's sumptuous around him. I can see he came a lot higher when I looked under the mountains.

Still, if you look up there, you still have a long way to go.

I wonder how long on earth we can walk to get there.

"Lulu, Mr. Bian, are you okay?

"Who do you think I am? That's why I didn't dive into the dungeon!

"Yes...... it's okay......"

No, no, Mr. Bian, I know you're a researcher. The main business isn't an adventurer, is it?

Still, was it a little tough on Lulu? Should we take a break?

"Lulu, look, give me a hand"

"What... ah!?

That's what Will takes Lulu's hand.

For a moment Lulu looked like he didn't know what had happened, but his face gradually became red to see if the situation had passed to his brain.

"Lulu, what's up?... No way is that a fever!?

That's what he says. Will puts his face close to Lulu and his hands on his forehead.

"That's right, I'm fine!! Let's hurry up!

That's what Lulu said and walked out of Will's hand.

... Will, are you natural?

"Nice - it's youth."

Next door Mr. Bian was mumbling with distant eyes.

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