Eternal Log

Episode 378: I'll leave you with the Volcrest.

We decided to say goodbye to Lux and the dragon Lucia and go to Roy and the others.

When Lux left, he told me that he was going to be Golzoraz... and that the Spirit would help me when I battled my uncle, Golzora-Idir. They also tell the Spirit of Fire and Water.

When I asked him if he could go outside without a contract like Rat and Norm, he meant that Lux would sign with Lulu and call the Spirit of Fire and Water again with the power of Lulux.

I thought I could do that, but it's possible because it's the Spirit of Light, the superior Spirit.

And it seems that the Divine Dragon Lucia will also cooperate in the battle. Apparently, Gorzola struck Earth Heights using a dragon that was still young and manipulative from within the Dragon Clan in "The Lost Continent". And it seems that that 'lost continent' is sealed with Gorzola-Ideal.

"The Lost Continent" seems to be where my parents once had my home country and fought Gorzola-Ideal. The battle has become a barren area where no grass grows.

So, I've heard the name before, but in this world, no one tries to go to that continent, only the name exists.

Well, for now, we must stop Gorzola religion, which is now in the kingdom of Zaire. Even if their purpose is the resurrection of Gorzola-Ideal, we'll stop them in front of it!

"Lux, Lucia, thank you for everything."

"No, naturally. Besides, I will accompany you when I can talk to the other spirits. Best regards,"

With that said, Lux returns to Lucia.

The next two (?) seems to go to other spirits.

"See you later."

That's how I used spatial magic.

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