Eternal Love: Apocalypse

17 Chapter 16: Buying Materials 4

Chapter 16: Buying Materials (4)

After that, The owner immediately arrange it in a big containers as it took for two hours to arrange it all and after that, Si Rou payed it and let them move the container in the big truck as they immediately drove to the warehouse and place it there befire locking it and leaving as they report towards Zhi Yin.


Zhi Yin stayed in Y city for a week as he let his bodyguard Ying Wei and Si Rou continue to go buy seafoods during this week; after leaving the Y City they flew directly towards Z city. Z city is known for meat and rasing different animals as they are the source of the Huxia country.

They buy a house and stayed in Z city. and this time, Zhi Yin together with Ying Wei and Si Rou gone out to the biggest farm here.

After arriving, they are immediately welcome by the owner as Zhi Yin walk around.

The owner accompany them but did not talk as he only follow silently as Si Rou already told him to stay silent as Zhi Yin does not want noise. The owner did not get angry or offended as he knows that all the rich people are have weirs habits or arrogant.

After touring the place for almost two hours, Zhi Yin was led to the owner office as the onwer serve tea and sat down.

Zhi Yin keep quite as he close his eyes and lean in the sofa. While Si Rou and Ying Wei remain Silent so the onwer can only remain silent.

After a minute, Zhi Yin sigh as he open his eyes and said, "Give me a three hundred each adult Cow, Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Boars. Give me five hundred each of adult chicken, Ducks, Hens and goose. While give me a two thousands chicken eggs the same as Duck eggs." - After hearing that, the owner got shocked while Ying Wei and Si Rou glance at each other helplessly.

Whenever their master open their mouth this past three months, the seller would always be shocked as both of them also got shocked in the first month but they already got used to it already.

Si Rou cough as she said to the owner of the farm, "Mr. Nou."

Mr. Nou, was pulled back in reality as he smiled immediately as he says, "There's no problem. But where should we delivery all of this, Sir?"

Ying We immediately gave him the address of a warehouse and the onwer put it away carefully as he asked, "Is there anything to be added sir?"

Zhi Yin remain silent for a second as he open his mouth and said, "Give me also the same quantity to what i said but they should be young, Both female and male. They should be raised."

The onwer immediately agree as he says, "Yes sir. But it should take at least two weeks before all of them can be move."

"There's no problem. I want the best quality. for the price, they are not a problem." - Zhi Yin said.

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The owner smiled became bigger, after all, in just a day he had a big deal.

The owner immediately compute all the prices and told to Zhi Yin while Zhi Yin pay directly as he stood up and walk out. Ying Wei stayed behind as he stop the owner in sending them out, as he said, "Mr. Nou, I am planning to raised a personal farm and thank you for your cooperation."

Mr. Nou got stunned but he immediately get what the meaning of Ying Wei's words is.

Ying Wei's employing that in todays deal, he was the one who purchase all of this and the reason behind this purchased was because he personally want to own farm. So if someone will asked, this words is the answers that he should give.

"I understand."

Ying Wei nooded in satisfaction as he left....

To be continue....

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