"It's a good thing I am not a human... or I would have probably died from blood loss," the king said and the queen swallowed deeply as he pulled the pieces of glasses out of him. 

"If you were not my wife I would have probably killed you for doing this woman," he said. 

"Maybe you should" she replied and he laughed. 

'Why would I do that?" he asked as he walked to her and smiled. 

"Girls leave the hall for a moment," the king said. 

"No, we won't" Vivian replied. 

"You are becoming really irritating right now I said leave" he shouted and they jumped as the queen looked at them. 

"It's okay, he won't hurt me, go on," the queen said. 

"Are you sure?" Sunny asked. 

'Yes I am, go on girls" she responded and they left the hall and waited outside in the hallway. 

"Why can't you love me? haven't I given you everything in all these years?" he asked and she laughed. 

"You treated my daughter like crap and expect me to care for you, not once have I ever cared for you nor will I ever, I will always hate the best bone In your body and pray you punish day and night, I wish your life become a living hell for what you did to my kid" she responded and he sighed. 

"If she was my kid then maybe I would have treated her nicely but she id not," he said. 

'That does not give you the right to punish her for something she had no part of" she replied. 

'Should I let the child of a bastard shine?" he asked and she folded her cuffs. 

"He is not a bastard, you are, he is a far better person than you can ever be" she responded and he laughed. 

"Good because I was not trying to be sweetheart, you were mine then and you are still mine and another thing, going up against me caused him his death, I hope he suffers," he said and the queen's eyes trembled then she smiled. 

"He will not suffer because he is a good person at heart unlike his brother" she replied. 

"He is no brother of mine, if he was he won't have fallen in love with my fiancee," he said and she laughed. 

"I knew him long before I did you, so I suggest you shut up, you don't know how much I hated the idea of marrying you" she replied. 

"I know you did but I had my way with you and still do.. like mother like daughter.. she is not that different from you, quite brave but I hate her because she reminds me of her dad too," he said. 

'Of course, she does, she is his child after all" she replied and the king sighed. 

"She might be his child but she does not know that I am her father in her eyes which means I have a lot of advantages," he said and the queen gasped as he smiled wickedly. 

'You will lose this fight... my heart tells me you will" she replied. 

'Don't hope too much, it will get lost oh and you should stop talking now before I rip a certain person's heart out" he said and she gasped. 

"You guys can come on in now' the king said as he sat down and they heard him then they came back into the dining hall and sat down. 

"I wonder what they were talking about," Vivian said to herself as she stared at the king while he ate.

'What's the matter, Vivian? do you want my food?" the king asked and the girl laughed then looked at him sternly. 

"I won't eat from you even if there was no food left" she responded. 

"How rude, okay," he said and she raised her right brow while giving him a death stare. 

"I really hate you," Vivian said. 

"I don't care" she replied and they began eating. 

"You know if I was powerful I would have killed you a long time ago and if I was the queen I would have left you all alone," Vivian said and he smiled. 

"The queen is not like you.. so shut up" he replied then drank some wine and Vivian smiled. 

"I would leave you to suffer and she is not here because she is kind-hearted but because if the one thing she lives more and that is her daughter, you know sometimes ie even wonder if she is your child" Vivian replied and the king folded his cuffs in anger as he stared at her. 

'If you talk like that again I promise I will make you regret it" the king said and the girl smiled wickedly. 

'Go right ahead do your worst because I don't give a damn anymore as long as you keep hurting Lilith I will pray you die one thousand times and punish every day of your miserable life" she replied. 

"You can wish how much time you want, nothing is going to affect me I can kill all of you within the blink of an eye then I won't need to worry about anything so shut your trap," the king said and Vivian's eyes widened. 

"Then why keep us?" Sunny asked. 

"Because you will be of use to me so don't push my hands" he responded then continued eating and the girls frowned as the queen looked at them. 

"Girls have your food and then you guys can leave," she said and they smiled then continued eating.

'Oh and one of my guards will be going with you guys wherever you do, don't want anyone to be sneaky now" the king said and Vivian folded her cuffs then Sunny grabbed onto her hand and she looked at the girl. 

"Let it go, we are in no position to argue with him," Sunny said and the girl sighed then smiled. 

"You are right" she replied a the guards walked into the room and they were wearing cloaks. 

'These two will be your guards from now on" the king said and the queen sighed.

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