Eternal love of the red dragon

Chapter 147 - Turning Point

"Pissed off at me? what did I do? I am just stating the facts" Jasmine said and Vivian folded her cuffs in anger. 

"You are acting like a bitch Jasmine, quit it, what she is doing today we all know the reason behind it, it's better if you keep your mouth shut," she said and Jasmine sighed. 

'Of course, you won't understand all you care about is your best friend, it won't matter if we die as long as she is fine, you won't care about a thing" Jasmine replied. 

"Take back what you just said," Vivian said and Jasmine looked at her sternly then smiled. 

'I am not going to" she replied and Vivan punched her and the others gasped. 

'Vivian" Marlene said and the girl looked at her. 

'She is wrong and you know that Marlene, she just can't say whatever crap comes to her mind" Vivian replied. 

'She is right Jasmine, what is wrong with you?" Marlene asked and Jasmine folded her cuffs. 

'Of course, you guys will think I am wrong because all you see is Lilith" she shouted and Vivan slapped her again and they jumped. 

'That's enough from you, get out of my sigh and only show up when you have gotten rid of the filth building up in your kind" Vivian said and Jasmine scoffed as Cosmo sat up. 

'Why are you guys fighting?" she asked and they looked at her. 

'How are you feeling?" Vivian asked and Cosmo smiled slightly. 

'I am feeling a little better than before" she responded. 

'Good I am glad, you have to rest a little more though Cosmo" Vivian said. 

'I will" she replied. 

'By the way, why did you hit Jasmine?" Cosmo asked. 

'Because she is rambling bullshit" she responded and Cosmo coughed. 

"You don't hit someone because of that" Cosmo said and Vivian smiled. 

"She is wrong so she deserved it" she replied and Cosmo sighed. 

"Still not good enough reason," she said and Vivian sighed. 

"For me, it is but yeah whatever" she replied. 

'Where is Lilith?" she asked and Vivian frowned. 

"I- I don't know where she is Cosmo" she responded. 

"What happened Vivian?" Cosmo asked and the girl sighed. 

'She was attacked by an assassin in the city, she is badly hurt in our eyes and she killed the guy that tried to kill her but it also seems as if she enjoyed it" she responded and Jasmine looked at Vivian. 

"I doubt Lilith would have enjoyed that," Cosmo said. 

"It's possible that she did Cosmo" Ash replied and Cosmo frowned. 

"I- I don't know what to say except I can't accept that," she said and Ash smiled. 

"Your faith or more like trust in Lilith is really something else you know Cosmo," Ash said and she smiled. 

'It's a similar thing when you are concerned too Ash, you trust her more than anyone and I know your heart is telling you she won't" she replied and he sighed. 

"Yeah that you are right about again," he said and she smiled. 

'I know i am Ash, now where is she?" Cosmo asked. 

'We left her in the city, it's now night she will probably be back soon" Jasmine responded. 

'Yeah, I don't think she will be" Cosmo said. 

'Did anyone of you say something to Lilith?" Cosmo asked as she got up from the bed. 

'Yeah" Jasmine responded and Cosmo sighed. 

'Ah... it's only natural that you would want to, don't worry about it and next time Vivian don't hit your friends" Cosmo said. 

'I- I am sorry Jasmine" Vivian said and Jasmine smiled. 

'You had a right to so it's fine" she replied. 

'I am going for a walk, I will catch you guys later, go join Lucas for dinner" she said then walked away. 

"Where are you going exactly, Cosmo?" Vivian asked and Cosmo smiled. 

"Just for a walk, that's it" she responded then left and Vivian smiled. 

'Well let's go freshen up and head for dinner" Vivian said then walked away and Jasmine smiled and they all went to their rooms. 

"Lilith, are you hearing me?" Cosmo asked as she went to the garden and Lilith appeared before her. 

'I see you are fine" Lilith said and Cosmo hugged her tightly.   

'Where were you?" Cosmo asked and Lilith smiled. 

"I went for some air back home" she responded. 

'You are moving fast now, that's nice" she said and Lilith sighed as she sat under the pavilion. 

"I guess I am moving fast but I am also changing Cosmo and that not even you can deny" she replied and Cosmo sighed. 

"I know Lilith I really do but I try to ignore it because no matter what the part of you I know is somehow still there," she said and Lilith smiled. 

'You don't know when you give up do you?" Lilith asked and Cosmo smiled. 

'I don't give up on the ones I truly love" she responded and Lilith gasped as her eyes widened and she looked at the girl who was smiling and Lilith's eyes sparkled. 

"Thanks for never giving up on me Cosmo," she said and Cosmo frowned. 

'What is it Cosmo?" she asked and Cosmo sighed. 

'I should be the one thanking you if you were not here, i- I would have probably been dead already" she responded and Lilith grabbed her by the arm pulled her towards her then hugged her, and Cosmo's eyes widened. 

"Li-Lilith" she called out and Lilith smiled as she hugged the girl tightly. 

'You are very warm Cosmo and it's cold, please leave me be for a few minutes" she said and Cosmo was flushed and she hugged the girl back. 

'You are cold" she said and Lilith smiled. 

'Of course, I am" she replied as she sniffed Cosmo and caught onto the scent of something sweet. 

You smell minty and nice" Lilith said and Cosmo's eyes trembled. 

"You are comfortable finally" Cosmo said to herself with a smile as they held onto each other. 

"Want to go join the others for dinner Lilith?" Cosmo asked and Lilith raised off of the girl then smiled. 

"I will not eat with the others anymore, you go on Cosmo, I have some things to take care of, I will see you when I get back" she responded and Cosmo frowned. 

"Where are you going?" Cosmo asked. 

'I will be going to see my father he and I have some business to take care of, bye" she responded and Cosmo grabbed onto her hand and she looked at the girl then sighed. 

'What is it?" Lilith asked and Cosmo frowned. 

'I don't think you should go" she responded and Lilith smiled. 

'Unfortunately, I don't have much of a choice anymore Cosmo" she said and the girl looked up at her. 

"What happened?" Cosmo asked and Lilith frowned then patted the girl on the head and smiled. 

"When my mom died, dad said she chose that and she was killed by a past lover" she responded and Cosmo's eyes widened. 

"Do you believe that?" Cosmo asked. 

'Of course, I do, dad misses her too" she responded and Cosmo smiled. 

'Okay go on, then but come back safe please" Cosmo said and the girl disappeared. 

'He is one lying son of a bitch, I bet he had something to do with her death unless he is the one that killed her" Cosmo said to herself with a frown. 

'What are you doing out here?" Vivian asked as she came out into the garden and Cosmo smiled. 

'I decided not to go take a walk" she responded and Vivian sat down with the girl. 

"You are waiting for Lilith aren't you?" Vivian asked and Cosmo frowned. 

'I guess I am" she responded and Vivian sighed. 

'I understand Cosmo, I am sure she will be back soon" Vivian said. 

'Yeah i am not so sure about that anymore" she replied. 

'What do you mean?" Vivian asked and Cosmo frowned. 

'I think Lilith is going to choose her father, he must be emotionally blackmailing her with the mother's death" she responded. 

'If he does that then Lilith will listen to him without thinking twice" Vivian said. 

'Exactly which means Lilith is slipping out of our hands and once that happens then it's over for us and he is halfway there" she replied and Vivian's eyes widened as her hands trembled. 

'I am officially scared now" Vivian said and Cosmo smiled. 

'No need to be, I will think of a way out of this mess, leave it to me, and don't tell the others they will freak out" she replied. 

'Okay that I can do, I will not say a word, come on join us for dinner, you need to eat or you will eventually freeze" Vivian said as she got up and Cosmo laughed.

'Alright come on" she replied as she got up and they went to the dining hall then Cosmo took off her coat. 

'Godo night Lucas" Cosmo said and he smiled. 

'It's nice to see you that you are just fine Cosmo, sit down" he replied and so she did.

'I am sorry about all of this Lucas" she said and he sighed. 

'It's not your fault Cosmo, it is what it is and it was my choice, I gave up my spot in this kingdom willingly and no one else is to be blamed for that" he replied and she sighed. 

'Well I guess you are right I just still feel bad, anyways lets have dinner I am hungry" she said then took out her food and Lucas smiled.

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