Eternal love of the red dragon

Chapter 179 - Decisions

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While Lilith was eating Cosmo squeezed the girl's hand and Lilith's eyes widened then she looked at Cosmo as she tried to move her hand away from the girl but the girl held on tightly. 

"What the hell is she thinking?" Lilith asked herself as she released the girl's hand then passed her hand on Lilith's thighs and Lilith sighed. 

"I will toss you to the sharks if you don't stop it" she mumbled and Cosmo smiled. 

'There are no sharks here" she replied and Lilith frowned then grabbed onto Val and Val smiled. 

"Enjoy your meal princess" he whispered and she punched him on the leg. 

"Cosmo stop it, you are making me really uncomfortable" she whispered and Cosmo moved her hand away from the girl with a smile on her face and a red mark appeared on Lilith's thigh then disappeared. 

'I am really sleepy again" she said to herself as her eyes started closing and Lilith looked at her. 

'Didn't you sleep enough?" Lilith asked and Cosmo smiled then looked at her. 

"No I was up thinking about certain things" she responded and Lilith turned away from the girl and Cosmo sighed. 

"She is teasing me, damn it, let me finish my food, hear their decision then leave from here," she said to herself. 

"I really need to transform and take a nice flight," Cosmo said to herself as everyone finished eating and they got up. 

'Alright let's discuss your terms" the king said as they all went to the living room and sat down. 

"What do you propose?" the queen asked. 

'If you guys want to remain king and queen you will listen to my father and do what he says, if not that then hand over your kingdom and there is a promise none of your people will be harmed and they will not face any kind of punishment" the girl responded and the queen sighed. 

"In whichever way you and I look at it, there is not much of a choice is there Lilith?" the queen asked and Lilith sighed. 

"Would you rather that or a fight?" she asked and the queen frowned. 

"All you have to do is say the word and I am ready you know that" she said and everyone looked at her. 

'Are you being serious right now?" Cosmo asked and she looked at the girl sternly. 

'Of course I am, you should know that better than anyone Cosmo" she responded and Cosmo frowned. 

"It's your choice, if you can't make a decision now you have until tonight and if you know what your decision is right now then say it" Cosmo said and the queen smiled. 

"You really have changed Lilith" the queen said and Lilith sighed. 

'A certain time always comes when you have to change, when you do change your highness and there is nothing that anyone can do about it except accept it" she replied and the king smiled. 

"That you are right about my dear and here is our decision, we love you a lot" the king said as he got up and Lilith looked away from him. 

"Please don't choose to fight, please" Lilith said to herself. 

'But we cannot let your father gets what he wants" he said and Lilith sighed. 

"You are not giving up are you?" Lilith asked and the king patted her on the head. 

'You knew what our answer would be yet you gave us time to think, you are nothing like that monstrous man, you are unique we will always think that even if we have to fight against each other and even if we lose, Lilith we love you that is a fact that cannot be changed" the king said and Lilith turned away from him. 

"He will kill you guys, losing is not an option for you either" she replied and the queen scoffed as she got up, grabbed Cosmo by the arm, pulled her then hugged her tightly. 

'Don't worry about it sweetheart, it's fine" the queen said and Lilith frowned as she looked up and Cosmo smiled with her then she sighed and raised up from the woman. 

'Prepare for a fight" she said with a heavy heart as her eyes started glowing. 

'Before I go I will just ask this one last time, are you sure this is your choice?" she asked. 

"This is our choice, I look forward to fighting you, my lady" Ash said as he kissed Lilith on the cheek and she frowned. 

'You will die Ash, reconsider your decision, you guys have until tonight or my father will come and once he does you won't like the outcome" she said then walked away and Cosmo left staring at her. 

'Lilith" she called out. 

"What is it Cosmo?" she asked as she turned around. 

"I look forward to fighting you too" she said and Lilith smiled. 

"Likewise sweetheart" she replied then walked away. 

"They have until tonight which means when I come back and their answer is still the same attack immediately, make sure the fleet is ready and try not to hurt the citizens, just attack random places, avoid deadly casualties" she said then they disappeared and reappeared on the deck of the ship. 

"I will have everything ready don't worry, we will finish things before it comes to your father having to come and then everyone dies" Val replied and she sighed. 

'Thank you Val" she said and he patted her on the head. 

"Don't worry about it Lilith, this is why I am here, you go get some thing to drink and let me take care of the rest" he replied and she smiled then went into the cabin. 

"Ash make sure the army is ready" his mother said. 

'Okay" he replied then left and the queen looked at the girls. 

"You girls don't have to fight, I know very well hoe much you all means to each other" the queen said. 

'This group is nothing without Lilith, don't worry we will fight" Cosmo replied and the queen smiled, 

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