Eternal love of the red dragon

Chapter 205 - Festive

"It's okay Lilith I understand," Rex said and she smiled. 

'Thanks" she replied with a sigh and he looked at the sky as night fell and the lights in the kingdom came on. 

'It's beautiful" she said then looked down at the sea from the cliff and smiled. 

'The water is not rough" she said. 

'What are you thinking?" he asked and she smiled. 

'Nothing bad" she responded. 

'I get you are strong but can you swim in that water?" he asked and she smiled. 

'Just keep an eye on me, fly over me" she responded and he sighed as she stood up and he took out his wings. 

'Nothing that I say will stop you will it?" he asked and she smiled.

'Nope," she responded. 

'Alright then I am right here as your lifeguard" he said and she laughed. 

'Thank you for being here lifeguard" she replied and he scoffed as she looked down then inhaled and exhaled as she dive down and went into the water then swam up and Re sighed as she looked at him flying river the water. 

'I can swim in it, want to join me?" she asked. 

'I will look at you from up here, I am not joining" he responded and she laughed. 

"The water is nice," she said as she dove down and a whale passed by her and Rex saw then smiled. 

'That was a whale" she said as she came back up. 

'Yeah it was, you have luck by your side woman" he replied and she smiled brightly as she laid back in the water. 

'Be careful" he said. 

'I know" she replied. 

"You are trying to relax, are you relaxed now?" he asked and she closed her eyes then they glowed as she opened them and smiled. 

'Sort of yes" she responded. 

'Good I am glad to hear then now come on out of there, I am not leaving you here all alone" he said as he grabbed her by the arm and flew up with her then placed her on the cliff and he came down and put away his wings. 

'Now it's very cold" she said as she trembled and he smiled. 

'Go back and change, we don't want you falling sick" he replied and she smiled. 

"I will see you later then," she said. 

"Yes, you definitely will" he replied then flew off and the girl went back to the castle. 

Upon arriving back at the castle the girl went to her room and freshened up then dried her hair and got dressed in a long blue A- line-wide bottom dress with a lace back and lace sleeves and her hair was down and her hair color changed to dark pink and she sighed for she did not know why that happened. 

"You, Woah," Vivian said as she barged into the room and smiled upon seeing how beautiful the girl looked despite dressing simple. 

'Your hair looks great along with you" Vivian said. 

"Thank you" she replied as she put on a silver bracelet along with high heels and Vivian grabbed onto her hand. 

"I thought you were not going to the dance," Vivian said. 

'I changed my mind, I will not let something stupid ruin my night" she replied then they walked out of the room, and upon seeing her dressed like that they all smiled. 

"Nice hair," Rex said and she smiled. 

'Thank you, I don't know but it changed color on its own" she replied. 

"Doesn't matter why you look beautiful" Rex said and she smiled. 

"Come on, Cosmo is already there, she left a little earlier," Rex said and they all left. 

Upon arriving in the city, Lilith smiled upon seeing how festive everything was and there was a huge bonfire within the midst of it all, the decorations were done by the fairies and some of the kids were eating magical biscuits that turned them into different types of animals just for a few minutes. 

'It's magical, I like the way the sky is reflecting different colors too" Lilith said. 

'Yeh they went all out to make everything pretty" Rex replied as Lilith looked and saw someone in a long pink dress similar to her and when she looked carefully she saw it was Cosmo snd she frowned as Cosmo left staring at the girl. 

'Bro" Cosmo said as she looked at Lilith's hair. 

'Your hair" Cosmo said as Rex put out his hand and she looked at him then sighed. 

'Come on, let's get some cotton candy" he said and she walked away with him then Cosmo sighed. 

'I don't know what the hell happened between you, but it needs to be fixed as soon as possible" Vivian aid then Cosmo walked away. 

'Thanks" she said as she collected the cotton candy and ate it. 

'You are welcome" Rex replied as Lilith turned around and saw Cosmo laughing with some other creatures then sighed. 

"Try and let it be and just enjoy your night," Rex said and she smiled. 

'Sure" she replied then continued eating. 

'Damn it, I really messed up earlier, bro was right and so was she" Cosmo said to herself as she turned looking at Rex and Lilith eating. 

'Okay I have to do something or else she won't hesitate to move miles away from me and shut me out again" Cosmo said to herself as the dance around the bonfire began and she went to Lilith and the girl looked at her. 

'What do you need?" Lilith asked and the girl ate the little piece of Lilith's cotton candy then grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to dance. 

"What do you think you are doing?" Lilith asked as they switched hands while tapping their feet and twirled around the fire. 

"I am sorry, I should not have lashed out on you, I really am sorry Lilith," Cosmo said and Lilith's eyes widened as Cosmo stared at the fire reflecting on Lilith as her body started glowing.

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