Eternal love of the red dragon

Chapter 223 - Sunny's Advice

"You okay little blue? it's been a while" Lilith said. 

'He has been fine, as you can see he has grown into a great young dragon, soon enough he will want to stay with you permanently" Sunny responded and Lilith smiled as she petted Blue. 

"That will not be a problem for me, he can stay if he wants," she said and Sunny smiled as Lilith stretched off and yawned. 

'here" she said as she collected blue from the girl and the dragon flew off then Lilith laid back on the couch and sighed. 

"Do you want to sleep?" Sunny asked. 

"Yeah a little, I am tired" she responded and Sunny smiled. 

'It will be night soon, you get some rest we will be right here if you need us" she said and Lilith closed her eyes as she slept away. 

"She is tired?" her mother asked as she came back o the living room and Sunny smiled. 

'Yeah seems like it" she responded and the woman smiled. 

'She deserves her rest I wonder what her next move will be" her mother said. 

'Even I don't know but whatever it is, I know it will be best for everyone" Sunny replied. 

"Yeah you are probably right about that I just hope Cosmo sees it though I am glad Cosmo is a little selfish, when I do look at this they are both right," the woman said. 

'I think she will, Cosmo is a pretty understanding person, but when Lilith's concerned she tends to lose her mind at times because she is afraid of losing her, that's understandable and Lilith knows that, she also does not want to lose Cosmo either but this time she cannot think about all of that, she has to do what's right, what she was born for" Sunny replied and the woman patted her on the head. 

'She will always make the right choice when people's lives are concerned, she won't risk them, she is the phoenix and she will fulfill her role even though she cannot transform into her phoenix, that's dangerous, if she transforms, she will get really powerful which will lead to her being overpowered and there is also a chance the king will ake advantage of that of she does not know or cannot control her powers" the queen said and Sunny sighed. 

'Damn it all of this is just so tiring to me mom, is it wrong to just want a normal and peaceful life?" she asked. 

'No it's not sweetheart, come on let her sleep" she responded as Sunny got up and left the living room with her mother as night fell. 

"Is Lilith back as yet?" Cosmo asked as she went back to the castle. 

'Nope, I have not seen her, not after she left" Vivian responded and Cosmo sighed. 

Okay well, I will be in my room if you guys need anything" she said. 

"Are you okay Cosmo?" Vivian asked and Cosmo smiled. 

"Of course I am, why wouldn't I be? there is no reason for me to be sad, mad, frustrated about what's going to happen..." she responded as they all stared at her then she frowned and Vivian got up from the couch and went to Cosmo. 

'You can sit with us and talk your heart out Cosmo, no need to keep anything hidden anymore you can open up with us, I mean we are all best friends here after all aren't we?" she asked and the others smiled then Cosmo sighed. 

'She is right Cosmo, I might have lashed out on you guys before but now look at me, I have accepted the fact, I cannot do anything about it, I accepted it with all of my heart because of your love for each other" Jasmine said and Cosmo smiled. 

"Thanks, guys, to be honest, I thought you guys would not have accepted our relationship, it scared me" she replied and Vivian patted her on the head. 

"Well there is no reason not to accept the relationship Cosmo, you guys love each other and well love you, so there is nothing to discuss about," Marlene said and they smiled then Ash went to Cosmo. 

'Give me your hand, I want to show you what Lilith once said to me about something, maybe this will help you understand a bit more" Ash said as he sat beside her and held onto her hand with his eyes glowing. 

'Are you sure about this?" Cosmo asked and he sighed. 

"Of course I am sure, this is to help you guys, the most loved woman in my life" he responded as Cosmo's eyes glowed when they stared into each other's eyes and she saw Lilith's face then smiled. 

'Look closer" he said then she heard Lilith talking. 

In the images, Lilith looked at Ash smiling. 

"I don't really know about Cosmo, but my feelings towards her are true, she is the only thing I have been really sure about in my life and I don't want to lose her for some reason, I just want her to be happy despite not knowing the truth about her, it bothers me a little bit that she doe not trust me enough but I guess she does have her reasons, I don' want to ever do something that will make my bond with her break Ash, it's weird but that's how it is," she said and Cosmo's eyes widened as her eyes stopped glowing and so did Ash's. 

'Did you see what you had to?" he asked and she smiled. 

'I think so" she responded then hugged him and he patted her on the head and she sighed in relief as she raised up. 

'Thank you, I needed to hear that, I think it's time I confront her about all of this, we both love each other but we are both..." she said and Ash smiled. 

'You are both scared... deep down you are afraid of being separated from each other" Ash said and Cosmo's hands trembled as tears came to her eyes and Ash wiped them then she smiled. 

"I am not going to let him have her, if she has made up her mind then I have made up mind too and I am not going to let him hurt the people, it's time this war comes to an end, it's time for people to stop living in fear, fear of loving and losing all of the time, I am tired of it now, this has been going on long enough" she replied and they all smiled. 

'And you don't have to worry because you won't be doing it alone, we are all here with you and we will stand untied against him, he has to go now I want to marry and have kids too and grow old with them" Ash said and they all laughed. 

'You really are sensitive Ash" Vivian replied. 

"Oh really? and so are you, sweetheart, you know that better than anyone else" he said and she sighed. 

'Look at you, have a little shame, and stop dragging me into your nonsense" she replied and he laughed. 

"You will always be dragged in with me," he said and she smiled. 

'I won't mind" she replied. 

"Ohh, I see what's going on here," Jasmine said. 

'What's going on?" Ash asked. 

"The love spark, that's what one would call it my beloved friends, a lot of it has been happening lately, even I want to meet that soulmate of mine, I don't want to die at such an early age" she responded with a frown and Marlene patted her on the shoulder then she hugged the girl. 

"Do you wish for the same Marlene?" Jasmine asked and Marleen sighed. 

"Yes, I really do, I think with this current tension everyone wants that, it's everyone's dream right now" she responded as Lilith woke up and stretched off. 

"Sunny: she called out as she got up from the couch and left the living room. 

"Sunny" she called out as she walked out of the castle and saw Sunny flying with the other dragons. 

"Sunny" she called out and the girl saw her then flew back down. 

'Don't tell me you are going already" Sunny said and Lilith smiled. 

'I need your help with something" she replied. 

"Help with what?" she asked. 

'Can you by chance tell me how to not activate the phoenix by mistake?" she asked and Sunny raised her right brow while looking at the girl. 

"Well I have a bad feeling about this but you have a right to know, try not to get too emotional, too angry for example, these sort of things will trigger your inner phoenix and I am not sure you will be able to control it, it's best to only let the phoenix out when you have complete control when you can balance your feelings" she responded. 

'I see well thanks for letting me know about that Sunny and thanks for letting me stay, I feel quite relaxed now" she said and Sunny patted her on the head. 

'There is no need to thank me, Lilith, you are welcome here anytime, I understand the pressure you and Cosmo are under, I hope things go back to being normal, let me take you back" she said as Lilith smiled and she held onto the girl. 

'You will be going alone, focus on where you want to go and you will be there" she said. 

"Got it" Lilith replied as her glow joined onto Lilith's body then the girl disappeared and a little while after she reappeared in the living room, upon seeing her Cosmo flung up from the couch and rushed to the girl then hugged her tightly and Lilith smiled in relief.

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