Eternal love of the red dragon

Chapter 234 - Accidental Lightning Strike

While they were flying Lilith looked down at the villages they passed by as it was getting very late and the sun began to go down. 

'We won't get back early" Lilith said. 

'Doesn't look like it" he replied and she sighed. 

'Don't worry Cosmo will understand" he said and she smiled. 

'Oh I know she will understand and that is totally great and all but I promised to spend a little more time with her you know" she replied. 

'I see romance intensifying" he said and she gasped then he laughed.

'Your relationship is perfect, I am jealous, most people would love to have a good relationship these days" he replied and he laughed as she flew above him and he looked up at her. 

"You really like flying don't you?" he asked and she smiled. 

'It's fun, you get to see everything from up here, it must be nice being a dragon that's what I always say and now I get to fly like one" she responded as she closed her eyes and he smiled.

"Are you going to tell Cosmo what you plan on doing?" he asked and she looked at him then sighed. 

"I will wait to see what she does first then I will" she responded. 

'Seems fair enough" he said and she smiled. 

"Seems fair? it is fair" she replied and he laughed as a huge ball of lightning came out of nowhere hitting both of them out of the sky and Lilith fell unconscious as she was falling fast and Rex gasped as she grabbed onto her and they crashed landed into the woods. 

'Lillith" he called out as he looked at her bruised-up body in his arms and he frowned as she opened her eyes. 

'Don't worry I am fine, you need to relax a bit" she said and he smiled then sighed in relief as someone came to them and he looked at the person. 

'Who are you?" Rex asked. 

'You are trespassing" the girl said as she looked at Lilith and gasped. 

'Wait are you king Rex?" she asked and Rex got up with Lilith in his arms. 

'Yes I am" he responded. 

'Damn it, I am so sorry" she said and he sighed. 

'It's fine, I just need to take care of her" he said as he flew up in the air and she flew up after him. 

'I am princess Claudia, I am sorry I just.. no one enters without permission and I didn't know you were coming with someone else" she said and he smiled as they came over a huge city with a Castle at the edge where a lake was and they landed. 

The castle was very big and grey in color surrounded by water and had there were magical animals flying in the air. 

'Please come on in" Claudia said as she opened the door and they entered. 

The castle was the same color on the inside, there were fancy paintings and little statues at every corner. 

'My parents are in the living room" she said as he followed her to the living room. 

'Rex welcome to Leogard..." the king said as he left staring at Rex. 

'What happened?' the queen asked and Claudia sighed. 

"I taught they were intruders because no one flys over without due permission and this late so I attacked them not with enough power to kill but to capture," she said and Rex smiled. 

'Claudia that was reckless" her mother said. 

'I know and I really am sorry I didn't mean to.. I didn't know" she replied and Lilith looked at Rex then he smiled. 

'It's fine, let it be" Rex said. 

"I am fine..." Lilith said as she got out of Rex's arm and nearly fell but he grabbed onto her. 

'Are you sure?" Claudia asked as he grabbed onto the girl and Lilith smiled.

"I am fine, don't worry, I understand you were just being protective" Lilith said and the girl smiled. 

"I take it you are the phoenix?" the girl asked. 

'Yes I am" she responded. 

'Claudia, take her to your room and get her cleaned up" the king said and the girl smiled. 

"Okay father, come with me," the girl said and Lilith went with her as Rex sat down with king Matthew and Queen Silvia. 

The girl took Lilith to the east wing and down the corridor to her room and as Lilith entered she smiled and the girl took out a dress from her closet and gave it to her. 

'You can get changed" she said. 

'Thanks" Lilith replied as she went to the bathroom to freshen up while Claudia sat on the bed feeling terrible for what she had done even though she didn't mean to do it. 

'Your highness I really am sorry" she said and Lilith heard her then smiled. 

A little while after Lilith got changed she came out and the girl left staring at her as she placed her hair in a bun and Lilith smiled. 

'It's fine you don't have to keep saying you are sorry, let it go, I understand and I am perfectly fine, already healed" she said and the girl got up and hugged her. 

"Thanks," she said then raised up and Lilith sighed. 

Claudia was tall, had raven dark hair, blue eyes, a slim face along with a very fine body, she was beautiful. 

"So what brings you all the way here princess?" Claudia asked as they walked back to the living room. 

"Well Rex said your parents wanted to talk so I thought of coming along with him, I guess we won't be getting back tonight though" she responded. 

'Nope, but you guys can spend the night here and leave when you're ready, we owe you that much"  Claudia said. 

'Thanks that is very sweet of you" Lilith replied as the girl looked at the mark on Lilith's arm for the sleeve of the dress was thin. 

"Rex" she called out and he smiled. 

'I see you're all cleaned up" the queen said as they sat down. 

'Yeah, thanks" Lilith replied. 

'Well now that you guys are here have some snack and then dinner will be served" the king said as the maids brought in a few trays of different snacks and Rex looked at Lilith then she sighed. 

'I will take a cupcake" she said as she grabbed the chocolate cupcake and took a bite then smiled. 

"How is it?" Claudia asked. 

"It's really delicious" Lilith responded and the girl smiled brightly. 

'Well I made it" Claudia said and Lilith patted her on the head. 

"You did a great job" she replied and the girl left staring at her as her eyes sparkled and Rex smiled. 

"So Rex I called you here because of our current situation, the king was here earlier, he asked for us not to get involved or we will be taken out" the king said and Lilith folded her cuffs. 

'Did you take that from him?" Lilith asked and they looked at her. 

'Will you let him bully you?" she asked and Claudia smiled. 

'Well father, answer her" Claudia said and the king smiled. 

'Of course not, we will not let him bully us that is why whatever help you need to take that son of a bitch down all you have to do is ask" the king responded and they smiled. 

'Spoken like a true king, that's good to know that you're on the right side, some kingdoms would have already given in but you are strong, it's nice to see someone people still know the meaning of their title" she said and the king and queen smiled. 

'You are great with these sorts of things, I take you for the phoenix" the queen said. 

'I am" she replied. 

'So you are the king's daughter?" the king asked and Lilith's eyes glowed red and Rex grabbed onto her hand then she sighed and smiled. 

'No I am not" she responded. 

'What do you mean by that?" Claudia asked. 

'He took me away from my parents, he is not the rightful owner of the throne, he got rid of my family just for power and claimed me as his daughter in public when I am not" she responded and they gasped. 

'We are so sorry to hear that and here we were wondering what the king's daughter will do, what will you do though?" the queen asked and Lilith smiled. 

'Put an end to his charade once and for all" she responded. 

'And the red dragon?" the king asked and she sighed. 

'She is the best part of my life and she is safe, nothing is going to happen to her even if I have to lose everything, he will not win, I was born to put an end to this madness and so I will, you have my word" she responded and they left staring at her while smiling. 

'You made up your mind about this, that's good to know you just boosted out hope, if there is anything you need, do tell us" the queen said and she smiled. 

'Father they can't g back now so can they stay?" Claudia asked. 

'Sure you guys can stay as long as you like" the king responded. 

'Thank you for being so kind to us and I am glad we have a strong support" Rex said and the king patted him on the shoulder. 

"You don't need to thank us for anything when you guys are already doing so much to save us all from annihilation, come on let's go have dinner" the king replied as he walked away and they followed him to the dining hall.

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